>> What is theese problems in SOGo 2.1.1b:
>> WARNING(-[NSCalendarDate(MySQL4Values)
>> initWithMySQL4Field:value:length:]): got no value for string
>> '2013-04-27' format '%y%m%d%H%M'.
>> ERROR(-[MySQL4Channel primaryFetchAttributes:withZone:]):
>> <MySQL4Channel[0x0x7f17cdd3fb00] connection=0x0x7f17cde6bae0>: got no
>> value for column:
>>   attribute=added
>>   valueClass=NSCalendarDate
>>   type=DATE
> This error message states the obviously wrong matching of a date value.
> You have '2013-04-27' stored in your field, but SOGo expects something
> like '201404271058'.
> So your field is
> 1) missing the time information and
> 2) providing dashes where there should be none.

Hello Christian Mack

Ok, this is correct, but what is this field? I did not modify nothing
on the basic database. ( I use this "time format" in my users
autentication table, but this is an additional field. )

Kind regards,
Kiss Tamás

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