Am 30.10.2014 um 16:31 schrieb Federico Alberto Sayd:
On 29/10/14 07:41, André Schild wrote:
Am 29.10.2014 um 11:12 schrieb Nicolas Cauchie:

I've created a rule under "sogo.sieve" file using Roundcube.

When I log in using SOGo, rules i've created don't appear in preferences/courrier/filters tab. Why ?
SOGo has it's filter rules stored in the database
and generates the sieve code from there.

It does not parse any existing sieve scripts.

One reason is that SOGo allowws you to set expiry dates to filters
and then updates the sieve scripts from a cron job.

We too have the "problem" that we have 3 webmail UI available fro the users.

SOGo, Horde and Roundcube

Each one is using it's own sieve filters, the last one saved "winns"
The only way to "solve" the problem is to educate the users to use
the sive functions only from one webui type.

The guilty: Cyrus's sieve implementation:

Yes and No.

Horde creates sieve vacation scripts for cyrus with working from/until dates.
They do some date regex magic in this form:

if header :regex "Received" "^.*(2014) (\\(.*\\) )?..:..:.. (\\(.*\\) )?((\\+|\\-)[[:digit:]]{4}|.{1,5})( \\(.*\\))?$" { if header :regex "Received" "^.*(Jul) (\\(.*\\) )?.... (\\(.*\\) )?..:..:.. (\\(.*\\) )?((\\+|\\-)[[:digit:]]{4}|.{1,5})( \\(.*\\))?$" { if header :regex "Received" "^.*(21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31) (\\(.*\\) )?... (\\(.*\\) )?.... (\\(.*\\) )?..:..:.. (\\(.*\\) )?((\\+|\\-)[[:digit:]]{4}|.{1,5})( \\(.*\\))?$" {


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