
I got a problem with the subscription of an SOGo-calendar.
The URL is accepted but the SOGo-server returns an 501 error.

IP - - [03/Dec/2014:14:13:04 GMT] "GET /SOGo/dav/fs/Calendar/personal
HTTP/1.1" 501 191/0 0.086 -
- 0

>From many clients its working (e.g. my Android Client gets a 207, but that
seem to use OPTIONS & PROPFIND), but which client acutal does not work, is the
webinterface from another sogo installation (both run the same version). The
Webinterface accepts the url, asks for username and password for login, but
can get data from the server, because of the 501.
(In the web-gui a small window pops up giving an message like "A Network error

(the used version are 2.2.9a/2.2.10).

Anybody know what the reason for this behaviour can be? I already googled, and
found only a very old bugticket where it was stated that the client lib is
faulty, because it should not use GET but did. But when this GET command is
wrong, why the SOGo web client is using it?

Thanks in advance



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