2015-01-15 20:12 keltezéssel, Steve Ankeny írta:
I've recently rebuilt our SOGo server with Trusty 14.04, Samba AD, Dovecot & Postfix

I had issues with IMAP which participants on the mailing list kindly resolved. I also had issues with SOGo Preferences and excluded the Sieve options in "sogo.conf" (Sieve still runs as "dovecot-managesieve")

I am now having trouble connecting to our provider.

The "old" server connects with SMTP and Cyrus calls LMTP

The "new" server attempts to connect with SMTP but does not call LMTP (it uses LDA)

I have looked at the Dovecot instructions for enabling LMTP


And, I've tried both the "unix_listener" and the "inet_listener" and neither connects.

"unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/dovecot-lmtp" -- "dovecot-lmtp" does not exist at that location

"inet_listener lmtp" -- but neither option makes the connection

I tried the configuration as listed in the instructions (i.e., "/etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-master.conf"), but I may have other configurations overriding those, specifically, in "/etc/dovecot/local.conf" I'm testing with that file.

Any suggestions?  Thx

What about getting rid of LDA and configuring LMTP directly in my "local.conf"?

Why do you prefer the lmtp instead of lda? Is it better/safer/quicker/anything? Did you set the postfix for LMTP (local_transport = lmtp:hostname:port) and disable the lda?
Did you check the port listening (fuser/netstat)?
Did you see the logfiles (mainly apparmor entries)?

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