I'm not completely sure of the relationship between SOGO and OpenChange, but
this is what I believe: SOGO is a groupware server, providing shared contacts,
email, and calendars; OpenChange is for making SOGO (and other groupware
servers?) accessible by Microsoft Outlook (possibly other MS products?).

My general question is: is the above approximately correct?

My other question is mostly specific to Zentyal (I've also asked the question
on their forum, but would appreciate thoughts from the SOGO community as
well): do I need to configure or have installed the OpenChange component in
Zentyal if I don't plan to use Outlook? I would probably use the Thunderbird
client on Windows machines, and Apple's Mail, Contacts, and Calendar
applications on Mac machines.

Any clarification would be most welcome.


Gary Schiltz
Mindo, Ecuador

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