
the thing with lynx is expected but shows that SOGo response to the request
maybe it's a bug in Apache mod_proxy on arm, so how about switching to Nginx?

Christian Jensen

On 06-05-2015 09:58, Tobias Lindinger wrote:

thanks for your suggestions. I increased timeout to 10s, changed 
x-webobjects-server-* to IP address and checked workers count (3) which should 
be sufficient because I am the only user right now.
When I press the login button, the same error as before occurs immediately, so 
I guess it's not an issue related to raspberrypi / arm CPU limitations.

Connecting with lynx at local port 20000 returns a message that lynx is not 
supported because it supports no javascript.
At the moment I have all debug switches in sogo.conf enabled and my log is 
really big, but I cannot see any error within sogo.log. Apache error.log is the 
only log containing an error (proxy_http).

Do you have any additional ideas?

Kind regards,

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: users-requ...@sogo.nu [mailto:users-requ...@sogo.nu] Im Auftrag von 
Christian Mack
Gesendet: Dienstag, 5. Mai 2015 16:22
An: users@sogo.nu
Betreff: Re: [SOGo] login failed


Also check if you have enough worker running, to serve all requests.
Check in /etc/{default|sysconfig}/sogo value of option PREFORK.
This sets the count of workers SOGo uses.
How big this has to be depends on how many users use the Webinterface,
ActiveSync and CalDAV/CardDAV.

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Am 2015-05-04 um 17:39 schrieb Christian M. Jesnen:
that's a funny error, not really but there many different opinions on what can 
fix it just search google.

but i think it's due to timeout since it looks like you are on a Raspberry PI, 
try setting timeout HIGH

also while your are testing change "x-webobjects-server-name" and 
"x-webobjects-server-url" in your apache config to use the ip address of your box just be 

if nothing works try open port "20000" on your box and connect directly, or use 
lynx or similar text based browser to try localhost:20000


On Saturday, May 2, 2015 13:55 CEST, "Tobias Lindinger" 
<tobias.lindin...@web.de> wrote:


I have similar problems when trying to login into the web interface. An internal error 
("An unhandled error occurred.") is displayed in the browser.
The only log containing any error messages is apache error log which says:

[Sat May 02 06:25:15.595138 2015] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 5864] AH00163: 
Apache/2.4.10 (Raspbian) configured -- resuming normal operations
[Sat May 02 06:25:15.595423 2015] [core:notice] [pid 5864] AH00094: Command 
line: '/usr/sbin/apache2'
[Sat May 02 13:49:10.628558 2015] [proxy_http:error] [pid 18399] 
(20014)Internal error: [client] AH01102: error reading 
status line from remote server, referer:

My Apache config is like the following:

Alias /SOGo.woa/WebServerResources/       
Alias /SOGo/WebServerResources/       /usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/
<Directory /usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/>

     <IfVersion < 2.4>
         Order deny,allow
         Allow from all
     <IfVersion >= 2.4>
         Require all granted

     # Explicitly allow caching of static content to avoid browser specific 
     # A resource's URL MUST change in order to have the client load the new 
     <IfModule expires_module>
       ExpiresActive On
       ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 year"

ProxyRequests Off
SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1
SetEnv force-proxy-request-1.0 1
SetEnv proxy-initial-not-pooled 1
ProxyPreserveHost On
#AllowCONNECT 20000
ProxyPass /SOGo retry=0
#ProxyPassReverse /SOGo retry=0
ProxyPass /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync retry=0 
connectiontimeout=5 timeout=3600

   RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-port" "80"
   RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-name" "raspberrypi"
   RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-url" "http://raspberrypi";
   RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-protocol" "HTTP/1.0"
   RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-remote-host" %{REMOTE_HOST}e env=REMOTE_HOST
   AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all
## We use mod_rewrite to pass remote address to the SOGo proxy.
# The remote address will appear in SOGo's log files and in the X-Forward
# header of emails.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/SOGo/(.*)$ /SOGo/$1 [env=REMOTE_HOST:%{REMOTE_ADDR},PT]

Is there any error within the apache config that could cause the error in the 
web interface?

Thanks in advance,

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: users-requ...@sogo.nu [mailto:users-requ...@sogo.nu] Im Auftrag von 
Christian M. Jesnen
Gesendet: Freitag, 1. Mai 2015 19:57
An: users@sogo.nu
Betreff: Re: [SOGo] login failed

based on the log you send along, you successfully login so one must assume your 
database connection is working

so based on my experience

have you checked that the imap settings for the domain i correct.?
  - Folder names
  - Folder separator
that will cause the UI to hang on login but after a while you would be able to 
use the calendar and contact page

other things that will cause the UI to hang "forever" is the configuration of 
your web server you might have it set incorrect proxy settings

that's basically all i got to offer at this point

ooh one more thing, the error with "No child available to handle incoming 
request" is usually (for me), when the configuration is flawed


On Friday, May 1, 2015 17:22 CEST, <artbala...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi there I have difficulties login on newly installed sogo webmail. I can
access the login page of my sogo installation but it was stuck in there,, then
after sometimes I was unable to connect.
I've pasted log errors of my sogo logs.

May 01 10:39:04 sogod [3807]: localhost "GET /SOGo.woa/WebServerResources/
ContactsUI.js?lm=1430483560 HTTP/1.1" 200 56027/0 0.029 - - 0
May 01 10:39:04 sogod [3795]: [ERROR] <0x0x7fd7e2e3ea98[WOWatchDog]> No child
available to handle incoming request!..............



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