On 08/16/2015 10:46 AM, Rowland Penny wrote:
Are you sure nmbd is starting at boot ?
Try 'ps ax | grep 'nmb' after the machine has just rebooted, if it returns anything, then it is starting at boot and you need to stop it. You seem to be mixing up 'is it running' with 'can I start it' commands, it may help you to look here:



it was running immediately after reboot

I renamed '/etc/init/nmbd.conf' and rebooted, and here's the results --

adam@sogo:~$ sudo initctl status nmbd
initctl: Unknown job: nmbd
adam@sogo:~$ sudo initctl list | egrep 'samba|smb|nmb|winbind'
winbind stop/waiting
smbd stop/waiting
reload-smbd stop/waiting
samba-ad-dc start/running, process 871

domain login works perfectly, and 'nmbd' is no longer started at boot (I'll work on OpenChange later)



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