Thank you for your reply, 
we're using sogo 2.3.1-1 amd64 

here's the only two lines uncommented in our sogo.conf file:

SOGoUIxDebugEnabled = YES;
SOGoMaximumSyncWindowSize = 25;

i finally found where our configuration file is, looking for a specific work
given by sudo -u sogo /usr/sbin/sogo-tool dump-defaults (i searched for
WOWorkersCount with grep -rnw '/' -e "WOWorkersCount";) I found
configuration file is /usr/.GNUstepDefaults.
now i can make changes needed, but it has been kind a treasure hunting.
 Thank you very much.

Daniele Borini

Via Provinciale per Sacca, 55 - 43052 - Colorno - Italy 
tel +39 0521319316 
fax +39 0521319322
Prima di stampare,pensa all'ambiente ** Think about the environment before

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: [] Per conto di
Christian Mack
Inviato: lunedì 14 settembre 2015 16:46
Oggetto: Re: [SOGo] sogo configuration file


Am 11.09.2015 um 14:01 schrieb Daniele Borini:
> i’m changing sogo configuration, expecially user sourcers part due to
> mailserver changes.
> I need to swtich from ldap auth to mysql auth.
> I’m really not able to find where configuration file is. 
> In /etc/sogo/sogo.conf  almost everything is commented.
> In /home/sogo/GNUstep/Defaults/ there isn’t .GNUstepDefaults file
> I’ve found .GNUstepDefaults in /usr but i can’t see changes i’ve made from
> sogo webmin module configuration.
> Can someone help me please?

Which version of SOGo are you using?

What does the following command give you?
sudo -u sogo /usr/sbin/sogo-tool dump-defaults

What is uncommented in your sogo.conf file?

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Christian Mack
Universität Konstanz
Kommunikations-, Informations-, Medienzentrum (KIM)
Abteilung Basisdienste
78457 Konstanz
+49 7531 88-4416


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