
> On 08 Oct 2015, at 23:32, Gerald Brandt <g...@majentis.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been having problems with addresses being expanded from 
> em...@example.com to emailfirstn...@example.com and emaillastn...@example.com
> Because of that, the email bounces.
> I've gotten some configs for postfix and dovecot from a sogo user here, but 
> they just don't work for me.
> So I figured, hey, let's see what ZEG does.
> I installed ZEG, logged in and did:
> # samba-tool user add gbr gbr --given-name-Gerald --surname=Brandt
> # openchange-newuser --create gar

Try something like this:

samba tool user add jdoe --use-username-as-cn —given-name=John —surname=Doe 
—mail-address=j...@yourdomain.com <mailto:mail-address=j...@yourdomain.com>

User created this way (CN identical to username) should not give you the 
problems you mentioned.

Best Regards

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