Good afternoon.

I've been reading through the OpenChange Cookbook as well as the PDFs 
provided by Inverse and I thought I had a working solution once I was able to 
log in with my newly created test user. Afterwards it became apparent that I 
am missing something as the actual users are unable to log in.

I'm using Debian Jessie with Inverse's own packages. I am creating new users 
with samba-tool and their username is based on their employee number (which 
seems to be part of the problem). If I create a user based on their e-mail 
name (name@domain) they can log in fine (just as the test user) but if I 
create a user based on their employee number and then change their AD mail 
attribute to name@domain they can not (nothing to do with right credentials, 
they are simply returned to the login screen. I'm fairly convinced this is a 
SOGoUserSources issue, an excerpt of my current config is included below. = {
    SOGoMailDomain =;
    SOGoIMAPServer = "imaps://localhost:143/?tls=YES";
    SOGoSMTPServer = localhost;
    SOGoSuperUsernames = (;
    SOGoUserSources =  (
    id =;
    displayName = "";
    canAuthenticate = YES;
    type = ldap;
    CNFieldName = displayName;
    IDFieldName = mail;
    UIDFieldName = sAMAccountName;
    hostname = "ldap://";;
    baseDN = "CN=users,DC=ad,DC=int";
    bindDN = "CN=user,CN=users,DC=ad,DC=int";
    bindPassword = "pass";
    bindFields = (mail);
    filter = "(objectClass='*' AND mail='*' AND userAccountControl 
!= 66050)";

In the above excerpt, if I change to "UIDFieldName = mail;" then *all* users 
are simply returned to the login screen. In both cases I get a log entry like 
the one below:

sogod[4967] ERROR(-[NSNull(misc) forwardInvocation:]): called selector 
objectForKey: on NSNull !
sogod[4967] ERROR(-[NSNull(misc) forwardInvocation:]): called selector 
objectForKey: on NSNull !
sogod [4967]: <0x0x7fafe6252b20[SOGoWebAuthenticator]> tried wrong password 
for user 

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