Here the call for helping tracking down 38.3 problems

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff:        Your help is needed regarding version 38 issues
Datum:  Tue, 20 Oct 2015 10:36:51 -0400
Von:    Wayne Mery (Thunderbird QA) <>
An:     Thunderbird Enterprise <>

Recently, some users encountered significant update problems - mostly
with version 38.3.0, but a few also with prior versions like 38.2.0.

We need feedback from three groups of users so we can better understand
the specific problems described below. If you fit the description of a
group we thank you in advance for responding with the requested information.


Group 1 / Problem 1. You have DISABLED or REMOVED the calendar addon.
But during a Thunderbird update you are again prompted about the
calendar addon, or the addon gets reenabled against your wishes. Please
comment in
describing your environment. (And you can skip the rest of this email)

Group 2 / Problem 2. You have calendar addon ENABLED, and after updating
to version 38.3.0 (or even 38.2.0) much of Thunderbird's UI is
unresponsive or parts of UI are missing. Follow the instructions below
for Problem 2.

Group 3. You have calendar addon ENABLED and have not yet updated to
version 38.3.0 (check version at Help | Troubleshooting); approximately
15% of users are not yet updated. Let's assume you might encounter a
problem when you update. So please follow the instructions for Problem 3.

And, if you have gotten this far you must be a very conscientious
Thunderbird user indeed. We need users like yourself to help test the
quality of new releases of both calendar and Thunderbird updates. If you
might be able to occasionally help with 30 minutes per month please
email the calendar developer with your offer
to help. Thanks!


Problem 2

Calendar addon is enabled and Thunderbird UI is a mess or unresponsive ...

A. Please comment in and also continue
to B and C below.
* describe your OS and environment (linux and Mac users we especially
want to hear from you)
* whether you were running with admin privileges
* indicate from which Thunderbird version you updated
* state which antivirus software is running, or indicate "none"

B. If you have a system that updated successfully AND also have another
system that did not (and still have that broken system intact), zip with
the following directories with timestamps preserved:
Attach to or email
to developer

C. We would appreciate additional diagnostic information by attempting
to reproduce the issue using any of these three methods:
* restore from a full backup of your system
* restore a Thunderbird profile *from before the update* (and you are
willing to share your profile data with the developer)
* start with a new, empty Thunderbird profile (so you will not be
affecting your production profile)

1a) Restore from your backup, if you are have a backup. Or
1b) If you are restoring only the profile, or not restoring at all, then
you must install Thunderbird version 38.2.0 from [1].
2) If you are willing to share your production Thunderbird profile data,
start Thunderbird and skip to step 3. Otherwise, open Thunderbird with a
new profile [2]. Do not create any mail accounts.
3) Disable automatic application AND addon updates in
4) Use "Config Editor" found at Options | Advanced | General and paste
in the name extensions.logging.enabled - set it to true (double click
the preference to change value to true)
5) Make certain Lightning is enabled and at version 4.0.2.
6) Manually check for extension updates using addons manager "Check for
Updates", which should update Lightning to Restart and have
that update apply.
7) Zip up the "pre update" data as described in section B above.
8) Check for application updates in the About box (aka Help | About),
which will download and install 38.3.0. Restart for that to apply.
9) Check the add-on manager, verify that Lightning 4.0.3 is installed.
10) If you see problems:
10a) Zip up the "post update" data as described in section B above.
10b) In Tools | Error Console, please find any lines of errors about
updating Thunderbird or addons. Screen shot or copy the text to a
document, and zip for the developer.
11) If you restart Thunderbird, it should update to Lightning
which will resolve the UI issues.
12) Turn automatic updates back on at your convenience.

** If you have a broken Thunderbird or Lightning send the zip files to
the developer
** If you were *not* able to reproduce the broken condition please email
the developer and simply state your OS and results.



Problem 3

You have not yet updated to 38.3.0 and you have calendar addon ENABLED.
Let's assume you might encounter a problem during update. Before you
update let's change some settings and capture information in case you do
encounter a problem.

1) Use "Config Editor" found at Options | Advanced | General and paste
in the name extensions.logging.enabled - set it to true (double click
the preference to change value to true)
2) In addons manager manually do "Check for Updates". If you are using
Thunderbird 38.2.0 you should have Lightning to If necessary,
restart and have that update apply.
3) Zip the "pre update" data as described in section B above and save them.
4) Check for application updates in the About box (aka Help | About),
which will download and install 38.3.0. Restart for that to apply.
5) Now is when you may see unresponsive buttons/menu, or missing
Thunderbird UI or folder lists as described at If you do NOT see
problems skip to step 9.
6a) Zip up the data described in section B above and save as "post
update" data.
6b) In Tools | Error Console, please find any lines of errors about
updating Thunderbird or addons. Screen shot or copy the text to a
document, and zip for the developer.
7) Check the add-on manager, verify that Lightning 4.0.3 is installed.
8) If you restart Thunderbird, it should update to Lightning
which will resolve the UI issues
9) Turn automatic updates back on

** If you have a broken Thunderbird or Lightning send the zip and other
files to the developer
tb-enterprise mailing list


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