Hello all. I am a long time linux user and administrator. This week will be my
first time assembling and installing SoGO and the underlying daemons. I have
couple of clients on zimbra I need to migrate, because that software package
is far too opaque and clumsy for a console jockey.

I am comfortable with postfix, less so with dovecot: I will be learning that
application as well. I have made a couple of forays into openLDAP, but I will
surely learn a lot about that as well.

My goal is to build a single machine installation without painting myself into
a corner: I anticipate separating some of these daemons to individual machines
or virtual machines in the future.

Please forgive my n00bish questions when they come. In some areas of the Linux
and Open Source world I am very experienced, but nonetheless, every new daemon
is a new adventure. Thanks for everyone's patience in the coming weeks :)

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