
with the current update on CentOS a strange behavior appeared. I had a config with mutliple Domains and the following Schema which was working beforehand:

 SOGoEnableDomainBasedUID = NO;
        CNFieldName = cn;
        IDFieldName = uid;
         MultipleBookingsFieldName = MultipleBookings;
        UIDFieldName = uid;
        bindFields = mail;

After the update to the aforementioned Version the Login via Webinterface was no longer possible.
Following errors occured:
Jan 14 12:24:07 sogod [4267]: SOGoRootPage successful login from '' for user 't...@example.org' - expire = -1 grace = -1 Jan 14 12:24:08 sogod [4267]: <0x0x7f4bd6c287a8[SOGoWebAuthenticator]> tried wrong password for user '7EmCh+ySX4N04k/Y0SMYRjls4OtotcUkyDNvRCeH/ZkbU2pRgvd7N6Jpz6zIscxI8DyKMLiIDJe0FOfkjhGmvXxUanznolVWjnl6hA37qIEN84JpqbGsv+yGkp/QHyomsa5cJwfn9NgAN8i0p0EOl5ibCW329qXyS6+YPq7JeuO/MV8nhXa9RqvyRog3H5scCT+GxC7S2pmYUAxxNIfLnw=='! Jan 14 12:24:08 sogod [4267]: "GET /SOGo/t...@example.org HTTP/1.1" 200 4668/0 0.052 13587 65% 1M

After rebuilding the config to the following:
SOGoEnableDomainBasedUID = NO;
        CNFieldName = cn;
        IDFieldName = mail;
         MultipleBookingsFieldName = MultipleBookings;
        UIDFieldName = mail;
        bindFields = mail;

Everything is back to normal. Did something change? I had a ticket once http://www.sogo.nu/bugs/view.php?id=2212 which had the same behavior.

Could it be that the last versions changed something in regards to multi domain setups?

Thanks für an Answer
Hagen Richter

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