
I missed some thing, but with the V3 : 
- How to select some mails and move or copy them to another folder ?
- How to print a mail ?
- How to mark as read or not read some mail?
- I see the junkmail folder but where is the junkmail function ?


Bertrand KELLER

Le Jeudi 28 Janvier 2016 04:33 CET, Ludovic Marcotte <lmarco...@inverse.ca> a 
After about 1.5 year of development, Inverse is extremely happy to announce the 
immediate availability of SOGo v3.0! This release is considered ready for 
production use.
SOGo v3.0 brings an unified device-agnostic Web interface aligned with Google 
Material Design guidelines. SOGo v3 shares virtually the same backend code as 
v2 so all the Enterprise ActiveSync features, DAV capabilities and native 
Outlook compatibility are present in v3 and they share the same maturity as v2. 
However, the new Web interface reaches new horizons:
complete rewrite of the JavaScript frontend using Angular and AngularMaterial; 
* responsive design and accessible options focused on mobile devices; * 
horizontal 3-pane view for a better experience on large desktop screens; * new 
color palette and better contrast ratio as recommended by the W3C; * improved 
accessibility to persons with disabilities by enabling common ARIA attributes; 
* use of Mozilla's Fira Sans typeface.
Version 2 will continue to be maintained and it is possible to run both 
versions 2 and 3 concurrently on the same data set to ease the 
transition.Getting SOGo
SOGo is free software and is distributed under the GNU GPL. As such, you are 
free to download and try it by visiting the following page:
You can also download the sources by following the instructions on this page:
Front-end clients such as Mozilla Thunderbird, Mozilla Lightning (Inverse 
Edition), SOGo Connector and SOGo Integrator extensions are available for 
download from:
Documentation about the installation and configuration of SOGo, Thunderbird or 
the native Microsoft Outlook compatibility layer is available from:
You can also try our online SOGo demo at:
http://demo.sogo.nu/SOGo/Upgrading to v3.0
No special measure needs to be taken when upgrading.Helping
SOGo is a collaborative effort in order to create the best Free and Open Source 
groupware solution.
There are multiple ways you can contribute to the project:
 * documentation reviews, enhancements and translations * write test cases - if 
you know Python, join in! * feature requests or by sharing your ideas (see the 
roadmap) * participate to the discussion in mailing lists *
patches for bugs or enhancements (http://www.sogo.nu/bugs) * provide new 
Feel free to send us your questions. You can also post them to the SOGo mailing 
list: http://sogo.nu/lists/Getting Support
For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us by writing to 
Customer support packages for SOGo are available from 
Ludovic Marcotte
lmarco...@inverse.ca  ::  +1.514.755.3630  ::  http://inverse.ca
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://sogo.nu) and PacketFence 


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