
Did you upgrade froma pre 2.3.0 Version?

If yes, run the needed sql-update-2.2.17_to_2.3.0-mysql.sh

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Am 06.02.2016 um 17:26 schrieb Mailing Lists:
> Hi List,
> since one of the last upgrade from stable sources, login through the 
> web-frontend is not possible any more. 
> All other functionality (such as IMAP, CalDAV and CardDAV) works properly.
> Running on Debian 8.3 (Jessie) with apache 2.4.10-10+deb8u4. DB is MySQL and 
> is being managed by a web hosting software using a MySQL view.
> Log shows:
> Feb 06 16:49:12 sogod [24985]: |SOGo| starting method 'POST' on uri 
> '/SOGo/connect'
> 2016-02-06 16:49:12.119 sogod[24985] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x7fc9065bfa70] 
> connection=0x0x7fc906423d00> SQL: SELECT c_password FROM sogo_users WHERE 
> c_uid = 'my_user@my_domain.com';
> 2016-02-06 16:49:12.119 sogod[24985] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x7fc9065bfa70] 
> connection=0x0x7fc906423d00>   query has results, entering fetch-mode.
> Feb 06 16:49:12 sogod [24985]: SOGoRootPage successful login from 
> ‚my_client_ip' for user ‚my_user@my_domain.com' - expire = -1  grace = -1
> 2016-02-06 16:49:12.120 sogod[24985] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x7fc9065bfa70] 
> connection=0x0x7fc906423d00> SQL: BEGIN;
> 2016-02-06 16:49:12.121 sogod[24985] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x7fc9065bfa70] 
> connection=0x0x7fc906423d00>   query has no results.
> 2016-02-06 16:49:12.121 sogod[24985] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x7fc9065bfa70] 
> connection=0x0x7fc906423d00> SQL: SELECT t1.c_creationdate, t1.c_id, 
> t1.c_lastseen, t1.c_value FROM  sogo_sessions_folder t1 WHERE 
> t1.c_id='kY52T2m+dsiUZjgQqMTEGg==';
> 2016-02-06 16:49:12.121 sogod[24985] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x7fc9065bfa70] 
> connection=0x0x7fc906423d00>   query has results, entering fetch-mode.
> 2016-02-06 16:49:12.122 sogod[24985] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x7fc9065bfa70] 
> connection=0x0x7fc906423d00> SQL: ROLLBACK;
> 2016-02-06 16:49:12.122 sogod[24985] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x7fc9065bfa70] 
> connection=0x0x7fc906423d00>   query has no results.
> 2016-02-06 16:49:12.122 sogod[24985] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x7fc906520250] 
> connection=0x0x7fc9065fed10> SQL: BEGIN;
> 2016-02-06 16:49:12.122 sogod[24985] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x7fc906520250] 
> connection=0x0x7fc9065fed10>   query has no results.
> 2016-02-06 16:49:12.122 sogod[24985] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x7fc906520250] 
> connection=0x0x7fc9065fed10> SQL: INSERT INTO sogo_sessions_folder 
> (c_lastseen, c_creationdate, c_value, c_id) VALUES (1454773752, 1454773752, 
> 'G9q4/99BuvBnXWeGwuN3ZqiMJGg1uUXNGEEWIXtIgBhMyRxueZrz8IvEBX8Ey5CmWG+GvSdFb7ykHU/a+NeOXUTJHbXLG29jxJalVqjP4YGxHp1qYe+FSTRW8ot70rPlw6grkRcCBByb6qiF8Ct3Jm6dTNKeKLPFk8VG/seJ97U77kD8UtOVFafbGzTvp0BF2Q+JgIBOcQj9s8YxXPOAcg==',
>  'kY52T2m+dsiUZjgQqMTEGg==');
> 2016-02-06 16:49:12.122 sogod[24985] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x7fc906520250] 
> connection=0x0x7fc9065fed10>   query has no results.
> 2016-02-06 16:49:12.122 sogod[24985] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x7fc906520250] 
> connection=0x0x7fc9065fed10> SQL: COMMIT;
> 2016-02-06 16:49:12.122 sogod[24985] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x7fc906520250] 
> connection=0x0x7fc9065fed10>   query has no results.
> Feb 06 16:49:12 sogod [24985]: |SOGo| request took 0.004051 seconds to execute
> Feb 06 16:49:12 sogod [24985]: my_client_ip "POST /SOGo/connect HTTP/1.1" 200 
> 27/59 0.005 - - 0
> Feb 06 16:49:12 sogod [24985]: |SOGo| starting method 'GET' on uri 
> '/SOGo/my_user@my_domain.com'
> 2016-02-06 16:49:12.177 sogod[24985] ERROR(-[NSNull(misc) 
> forwardInvocation:]): called selector objectForKey: on NSNull !
> 2016-02-06 16:49:12.177 sogod[24985] ERROR(-[NSNull(misc) 
> forwardInvocation:]): called selector objectForKey: on NSNull !
> 2016-02-06 16:49:12.177 sogod[24985] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x7fc9065bfa70] 
> connection=0x0x7fc906423d00> SQL: SELECT c_password FROM sogo_users WHERE 
> c_uid = ‚my_user@my_domain.com@';
> 2016-02-06 16:49:12.177 sogod[24985] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x7fc9065bfa70] 
> connection=0x0x7fc906423d00>   query has results, entering fetch-mode.
> Feb 06 16:49:12 sogod [24985]: <0x0x7fc906151390[SOGoWebAuthenticator]> tried 
> wrong password for user 
> 'b7Xalr4y+pwOMxL+74QCFN2iRwdY+X+nfXFhURR79BhMyRxueZrz8IvEBX8Ey5CmWG+GvSdFb7ykHU/a+NeOXUTJHbXLG29jxJalVqjP4YGxHp1qYe+FSTRW8ot70rPlw6grkRcCBByb6qiF8Ct3Jm6dTNKeKLPFk8VG/seJ97U77kD8UtOVFafbGzTvp0BF2Q+JgIBOcQj9s8YxXPOAcg=='!
> Feb 06 16:49:12 sogod [24985]: |SOGo|   constructed root-url: /SOGo/
> Feb 06 16:49:12 sogod [24985]: |SOGo|   setting root-url in context: /SOGo/
> Feb 06 16:49:12 sogod [24985]: |SOGo| ROOT baseURL(no container, name=(null)):
>   own: /SOGo/
> Feb 06 16:49:12 sogod [24985]: |SOGo| request took 0.006288 seconds to execute
> Feb 06 16:49:12 sogod [24985]: my_client_ip "GET /SOGo/my_user@my_domain.com 
> HTTP/1.1" 200 13702/0 0.009 - - 0
> /etc/sogo/sogo.conf shows:
> {
>     NGImap4ConnectionStringSeparator = "/";
>     OCSFolderInfoURL = 
> "mysql://my_db_user:my_db_pw@";
>     OCSSessionsFolderURL = 
> "mysql://my_db_user:my_db_pw@";
>     SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications = YES;
>     SOGoDraftsFolderName = Drafts;
>     SOGoEnableDomainBasedUID = YES;
>     SOGoFirstDayOfWeek = 1;
>     SOGoForceIMAPLoginWithEmail = YES;
>     SOGoForwardEnabled = NO;
>     SOGoIMAPServer = localhost;
>     SOGoLanguage = German;
>     SOGoLoginModule = Mail;
>     SOGoMailAuxiliaryUserAccountsEnabled = YES;
>     SOGoMailCustomFromEnabled = YES;
>     SOGoMailDomain = „my_domain.com";
>     SOGoMailMessageCheck = "every_5_minutes";
>     SOGoMailingMechanism = smtp;
>     "SOGoMailingMechanism$" = smtp;
>     SOGoMemcachedHost = "";
>     SOGoProfileURL = 
> "mysql://my_db_user:my_db_pw@";
>     SOGoSMTPServer = localhost;
>     SOGoSentFolderName = "Sent Messages";
>     SOGoSieveScriptsEnabled = NO;
>     SOGoSieveServer = "sieve://localhost:4190";
>     SOGoSuperUsernames = (
>       „my_user@my_domain.com"
>     );
>     SOGoTimeZone = "Europe/Zurich";
>     SOGoTrashFolderName = Trash;
>     SOGoUserSources = (
>       {
>           canAuthenticate = YES;
>           displayName = "SOGo Users";
>           id = users;
>           isAddressBook = NO;
>           type = sql;
>           userPasswordAlgorithm = "md5-crypt";
>           viewURL = 
> "mysql://my_db_user:my_db_pw@";
>       }
>     );
>     SOGoVacationEnabled = NO;
>   /* Debug */
>   SOGoDebugRequests = YES;
>   SoDebugBaseURL = YES;
>   ImapDebugEnabled = NO;
>   LDAPDebugEnabled = YES;
>   PGDebugEnabled = YES;
>   MySQL4DebugEnabled = YES;
>   SOGoUIxDebugEnabled = YES;
>   WODontZipResponse = YES;
>   WOLogFile = /var/log/sogo/sogo.log;
> }
> DB infos:
> mysql> show tables\G
> *************************** 1. row ***************************
> Tables_in_sogo: sogo_folder_info
> *************************** 2. row ***************************
> Tables_in_sogo: sogo_sessions_folder
> *************************** 3. row ***************************
> Tables_in_sogo: sogo_user_profile
> *************************** 4. row ***************************
> Tables_in_sogo: sogo_users
> a lot more tables, where e.g.
> *************************** 50. row ***************************
> Tables_in_sogo: sogoXXXXXXXX0012f15891e
> *************************** 51. row ***************************
> Tables_in_sogo: sogoXXXXXXXX0012f15891e_acl
> *************************** 52. row ***************************
> Tables_in_sogo: sogoXXXXXXXX0012f15891e_quick
> *************************** 53. row ***************************
> Tables_in_sogo: sogoXXXXXXXX0015c3f3c7f
> *************************** 54. row ***************************
> Tables_in_sogo: sogoXXXXXXXX0015c3f3c7f_acl
> *************************** 55. row ***************************
> Tables_in_sogo: sogoXXXXXXXX0015c3f3c7f_quick
> *************************** 56. row ***************************
> Tables_in_sogo: sogoXXXXXXXX0016c0568e9
> *************************** 57. row ***************************
> Tables_in_sogo: sogoXXXXXXXX0016c0568e9_acl
> *************************** 58. row ***************************
> Tables_in_sogo: sogoXXXXXXXX0016c0568e9_quick
> *************************** 59. row ***************************
> Tables_in_sogo: sogoXXXXXXXX0026c191568
> *************************** 60. row ***************************
> Tables_in_sogo: sogoXXXXXXXX0026c191568_acl
> *************************** 61. row ***************************
> Tables_in_sogo: sogoXXXXXXXX0026c191568_quick
> *************************** 62. row ***************************
> Tables_in_sogo: sogoXXXXXXXX0036e3c0a16
> *************************** 63. row ***************************
> Tables_in_sogo: sogoXXXXXXXX0036e3c0a16_acl
> *************************** 64. row ***************************
> Tables_in_sogo: sogoXXXXXXXX0036e3c0a16_quick
> *************************** 65. row ***************************
> Tables_in_sogo: sogoXXXXXXXX004234ad723
> *************************** 66. row ***************************
> Tables_in_sogo: sogoXXXXXXXX004234ad723_acl
> *************************** 67. row ***************************
> Tables_in_sogo: sogoXXXXXXXX004234ad723_quick
> 67 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> where XXXXXXXX is my_user (all 6 characters) directly followed by first two 
> letters of my_domain.
> Other tables do look similar.
> mysql> describe sogo_users\G
> *************************** 1. row ***************************
>   Field: c_uid
>    Type: varchar(255)
>    Null: NO
>     Key:
> Default:
>   Extra:
> *************************** 2. row ***************************
>   Field: c_name
>    Type: varchar(255)
>    Null: NO
>     Key:
> Default:
>   Extra:
> *************************** 3. row ***************************
>   Field: c_password
>    Type: varchar(255)
>    Null: NO
>     Key:
> Default:
>   Extra:
> *************************** 4. row ***************************
>   Field: c_cn
>    Type: varchar(255)
>    Null: NO
>     Key:
> Default:
>   Extra:
> *************************** 5. row ***************************
>   Field: mail
>    Type: varchar(255)
>    Null: NO
>     Key:
> Default:
>   Extra:
> 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> Passwords in sogo_users.c_password do all start with "$1$“, so I assume 
> md5-crypt is ok (I did not change anything for the last 5 or so years).
> Does anybody have an idea, what could be the issue for this kind of problem 
> and maybe has a solution for it?
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Cheers
> Tobias-- 
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists

Christian Mack
Universität Konstanz
Kommunikations-, Informations-, Medienzentrum (KIM)
Abteilung Basisdienste
78457 Konstanz
+49 7531 88-4416

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