On 02/03/2016 09:27, Alessandro Briosi wrote:
Il 01/03/2016 21:40, Dominique ha scritto:
The database was exported to UTF8, but most of the tables where in
latin1. After reloading the original data I converted all tables to
UTF-8. No change. sogo.log still rejects the connection:

2016-03-01 21:08:46.694 sogod[9168] ERROR: could not open MySQL4
connection to database 'sogo': Access denied for user
'sogo'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
Mar 01 21:08:46 sogod [9168]: [ERROR]
<0x0x7f67af8d9b58[GCSChannelManager]> could not open channel
<MySQL4Channel[0x0x7f67afc190a8] connection=0x(null)> for

The log is pretty explanatory. It says that the user sogo@localhost
cannot access mysql using the specified password.
You need to check the configuration and permissions.

Are you really sure that doing:

mysql -u user -h localhost --password=password database
(replaing user with the database user, password with the user password
and database with the sogo database)
mysql -u sogo -h localhost --password=MySecretPassword123 sogo

as specified in your connection string that should be
mysql -u sogo -h localhost --password=sogo sogo

if so check the credentials you have specified in the connection string

I guess you missed the beginning of the original post... I can connect to mysql through the command line, or phpmyadmin with the sogo credentials. As far as the credentials in the conf file, it is the original conf file, that works in the original server... not even possible to get a mistyped entry there.


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