Hi Chris,

Welcome. I’ve found there are numerous ways to install SOGo so it’s kind of 
hard to tell where you are with this. Probably the best place to start is 
checking out what your logs say.

You can find the logs at /var/log/sogo/sogo.log

I’m also quite new around here but if there is something in there that I’ve 
seen before I’d be glad to help.


> On Apr 29, 2016, at 8:52 AM, Christoph Kuhnert (christo...@me.com) 
> <users@sogo.nu> wrote:
> Hi Everybody
> I hope it’s ok to ask this here.
> Trying to install sogo in a headless Ubuntu 14.04 server.
> The server is running in a parallels Virtual machine.
> Firewall of Ubuntu Server is disabled.
> I have a fresh installation of 14.04 and install Sogo (via apt-get).
> It installs without error messages and is running (service sogo status).
> How can I now access Sogo?
> http:/</IP <http://ip/>>/sogo doesn’t work.
> I can’t do http://localhost/sogo <http://localhost/sogo> (as written in the 
> documentation) because I don’t have a browser.
> Let’s say: I am stuck before it even started.
> This is a pretty simple question.
> But it's correct that I should ask such questions here, because there is no 
> forum or similar that I can check for simple beginners questions, right?
> I usually do that to try and help myself.
> In any way: every hint into the right direction would be very much 
> appreciated.
> Kind Regards
> Chris
> __________
> -- 
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists


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