hello again,
in order to evaluate sogo v3.3.12, i created a second sogo instace using the same data (ldap,dovecot and prostgres) as the v2.3.12 instance.
using v3.1.12, i am observing the following behaviour:
1. A creates a meeting and invites B
2. B recieves an email and accepts the meeting
3. A reopens the meeting and can see that B has accepted
4. A clicks 'Edit' and saves the meeting without changing anything
5. A reopens the meeting and B's accepted status has changed to 'not accepted' (?)
6. B did not receive any meeting-related mail and sees his own status a 'not accepted'.
this works different, more useful, in v2.3.12
moreover, if a resource was invited, it does not accept the invitation as it does in v2.3.12.
what can i do to change this? did i miss anything?
best regards, sggs

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