copied jquery-ui.js  jquery.fileupload.js  jquery.iframe-transport.js  jquery.js from sogo-v2 to /usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources and added
just below SOGoUIAdditionalJSFiles, restarted sogo and logged in using google chrome.
aparently all files are loaded (no more warnings/errors - at least in google chrome) but nothing changed (no budy-list) and no http-bind lines in bosh's log. i guess it is not quite sufficient just to add the files (wrong version?). has anybody got an idea?
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 5:56 PM
From: "\"Corrado Fiore\" (" <>
Subject: Re: [SOGo] integration with jsxc/sjsxc
Dear All,

> On 22 Jun 2016, at 7:11 PM, sg gs ( <> wrote:
> this works for 2.3.12 but unfortunately not for 3.1.2 - seems that (at least) jquery is missing from 3.1.2.

We're very interested in integrating JSXC, too. I guess it shouldn't be hard to integrate Jquery into 3.1.x as well, possibly using a separate namespace. Or am I missing something?

Kind regards,
Corrado Fiore

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