
I use a custom implementation based on this guide/code (as I don’t use Zentyal):

My observations:
- Different clients use different upper-/lowercase - I personally map all 
request to autodiscover.example.com to /autodiscover/autodiscover.xml
- I also had a problem with 4xx responses, but I think 417 (by the web server) 
because of some Expect: 100 header

As I use lighttpd, I can’t recommend a specific Apache config. But here is mine:

        # autodiscover.example.com (Exchange ActiveSync/Outlook Auto Discovery)
        $HTTP["host"] == „autodiscover.example.com" {
                server.reject-expect-100-with-417 = "disable"
                server.document-root = "/var/www/html"
                url.rewrite-once = (
                        "^/(.*)$" => "/autodiscover-ms.php"

This works fine up to now, also in the test from Microsoft.

Greetings from the federal city,

> Am 22.09.2016 um 09:59 schrieb devteam (devt...@alpeinsoft.ch) 
> <users@sogo.nu>:
> Hello, guys!  Few month ago Jhonathan post issue on zentyal bug tracker, but 
> still they not respond (https://tracker.zentyal.org/issues/5043):
> May be sogo team have experience in autodiscover?
> -- 
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists


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