Hello everyone,

I'm using git repo and I have problems when replying an email, because SOGo 
doesn't fill the inputs and I get a blank view.
This happens every time when I try to reply or forward an email.

Comparing my Webmail with the one in demo.sogo.nu, I saw two differences: * 
​​​​​​​The "edit" response Preview:
 * My Webmail - In my Webmail the response came with the field "text" empty and 
there is no "subject" field. * demo.sogo.nu - Field "text" and "subject" filled 
as it should be. * The "edit" Request Cookies:
 * My Webmail - There are 02 cookies (0xHIGHFLYxSOGo and XSRF-TOKEN), but 
misses the "_ga". * demo.sogo.nu - There are 03 cookies, including "_ga".
I would appreciate any help about how to debug further to solve my problem.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,

​​​​​​​Emílio Fonseca. 

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