
on our webui, reminder for events (even old ones, 2010 for example)
popping up, even for events i didn't put a reminder in.

my sogo.log got spammed with:

Jan 03 09:04:40 sogod [1253]: "POST
HTTP/1.1" 200 267/0 0.008 - - 0

Jan 03 09:07:22 sogod [1253]: [ERROR] >UIxCalListingActions> event
'b9de2c5f-3283-4f32-84e5-7f1a532941d8.ics' has a computed offset that
overflows the amount of blocks (skipped)

Jan 03 09:07:22 sogod [1253]: [ERROR] >UIxCalListingActions> event
'2F41-58415400-47-11D3E4C.ics' has negative start: -2147483648 (skipped)

after a while i see:

Jan 03 09:07:24 sogod [1253]: |SOGo| terminating app, vMem size limit
(512 MB) has been reached (currently 529 MB)
Jan 03 09:07:24 sogod [1127]: <0x0x7fe219d0fad0[WOWatchDogChild]> child
1253 exited
Jan 03 09:07:24 sogod [1127]: <0x0x7fe219dade40[WOWatchDog]> child
spawned with pid 2357
Jan 03 09:07:24 sogod [2357]: <0x0x7fe219cc0fe0[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified
the watchdog that we are ready
Jan 03 09:07:31 sogod [2357]: <0x0x7fe219dcd5f0[SOGoCache]> Cache
cleanup interval set every 300.000000 seconds
Jan 03 09:07:31 sogod [2357]: <0x0x7fe219dcd5f0[SOGoCache]> Using
host(s) '' as server(s)
Jan 03 09:07:32 sogod [2357]: [WARN]
<0x0x7fe21aa63e60[SOGoWebDAVAclManager]> entry '{DAV:}write' already
exists in DAV permissions table
Jan 03 09:07:32 sogod [2357]: [WARN]
<0x0x7fe21aa63e60[SOGoWebDAVAclManager]> entry '{DAV:}write-properties'
already exists in DAV permissions table
Jan 03 09:07:32 sogod [2357]: [WARN]
<0x0x7fe21aa63e60[SOGoWebDAVAclManager]> entry '{DAV:}write-content'
already exists in DAV permissions table

and then it starts again.

im using centos 7 with latest nightly sogo 2.x

any hint where i should look at?



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