On Wed Jan 04 2017 17:44:59 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time), Ludovic
Marcotte (lmarco...@inverse.ca) <users@sogo.nu> wrote:
> On 2017-01-04 5:13 PM, Christoph Kuhnert | YNA (christo...@yna11.com) wrote:
>> "Synchronize only default folders (EAS)"
> Say you have 1,000 IMAP folders, and your phone will go ape-shit if you
> sync all of them using EAS, enabling that will make SOGo only sync the
> Inbox/Drafts/Trash/Sent folders with EAS devices.

Will this also prevent the user from being able to subscribe to (ie,
seeing) any of the other folders? Or could the user still subscribe to a
select few of the other 1000 folders?

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