/bin/sh: line 1:  1438 Segmentation fault      /usr/sbin/sogo-tool expire-sessions 
30 2> /dev/null
/bin/sh: line 1:  1439 Segmentation fault      /usr/sbin/sogo-ealarms-notify

even after a restart

Il 13/03/2017 16:28, Zhang Huangbin (z...@iredmail.org) ha scritto:
On Mar 13, 2017, at 10:58 PM, Renato Gallo (vmxevils...@gmail.com) 
<users@sogo.nu> wrote:

<0x0x17e5160[GCSAlarmsFolder]> -[GCSAlarmsFolder recordsForEntriesFromDate:toDate:]: 
cannot execute fetch: <MySQL4Exception: 0x15caba0> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table 
'sogo.sogo_alarms_folder' doesn't exist
2017-03-13 10:56:28.195 sogo-tool[32052:32052] Table 
'sogo.sogo_sessions_folder' doesn't exist
Restarting SOGo service should fix this, it will create required SQL tables 

Zhang Huangbin, founder of iRedMail project: http://www.iredmail.org/
Time zone: GMT+8 (China/Beijing).
Available on Telegram: https://t.me/iredmail


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