installed and configured free/busy extension for thunderbird ( https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/freebusy/ ).
strange, it's only kind of working in thunderbird 52.2.1 with lightning --
windows: most of the times it will display correct free/busy info but sometimes it displays everyone as free or some of the attendees as when they are not free.
linux (debian 8.8): most of the times it will display incorrect free/busy info (everyone as free, some of the attendees as free when they are not free, but sometime it displays correct free/busy info - kind of inverse to windows).
free/busy data retrieved using wget is always correct.
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2017 at 2:19 PM
From: "\"\\\"sg gs\\\"\" (s...@mail.com)" <users@sogo.nu>
To: users@sogo.nu
Subject: [SOGo] thunderbird/lightning/freebusy is there any trick i do not know
currently i'm trying to make thinderbrd lightning work with sogo. all, except freebusy works fine. freebusys states, that there is no free/busy info. when viewing the same meeting using the web client the correct free/busy info is displayed. even outlook 2013/windows7 displays the correct free/busy info. (outlook 2016/windows10 is unable to display free/busy info, but this is another story).
iguess, something is misconfigured but i havn't got a clue whee to look/correct.
my environment:
server: Version 3.2.9 (@shiva.inverse 201706280729)
thunderbird: 45.8.0
lightning: 4.7.8
sogo connector: 31.0.4
sogo integrator: 31.0.4
thanks in advance for your answer.

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