---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: George C. Aquino <aquinogeor...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: [SOGo] webmail login attacks - captcha?
To: users@sogo.nu

Dear Sir,

Good morning and glad to being connected within here and can you help me to
log in correctly coz I could not do so far. Thnx, Gery.

On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 1:00 PM, Christoph Kreutzer <users@sogo.nu> wrote:

> Hi,
> If the IPs are all in SOGos log, then you did not correctly
> configure Apache to forward the IPs like proxies do. I think that is
> mentioned in the manual.
> Christoph
> Am 24.04.2018 um 21:48 schrieb Sergio Cesar winc (ser...@winc.net) <
> users@sogo.nu>:
> I wonder if one could user the webserver authentication and pass it to
> SOGo or roundcube. Than fail2ban will catch the ip from the http log.
> SC
> From: Sebastián Meyer
> Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 9:51 AM
> Subject: [SOGo] webmail login attacks - captcha?
> To: users@sogo.nu
> Hi,
> I have a couple of compromissed webmail accounts, passwords wheren't easy
> to guess.
> I'd like to add an increasing delay for failed logins and a captcha, is it
> possible?
> For IMAP and SMTP access I use fail2ban, but using it for for webmail
> access DoS attacks would be unacceptable frequently, all logins are from
> localhost (
> TIA,
> --
> Seb
> --
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists
> --
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists
> --
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists

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