Hi there,

Trying to connect a Nokia 8110-G4 via ActiveSync. The device comes with
KaiOS (closed source Firefox-OS-Fork). There is not much logging
available (EASDebug is enabled):

>Jul 15 22:15:13 sogod [8500]: (null) env=REMOTE_HOST "OPTIONS
/SOGo/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync HTTP/1.1" 200 0/0 0.060 - - 0
>Jul 15 22:15:13 sogod [8500]: (null) env=REMOTE_HOST "POST
HTTP/1.1" 501 218/13 0.002 - - 0

no further logging. When trying to connect an Z-Push-Account it also
fails, but Z-Push has an option for "loose provisioning" for older
devices (https://wiki.zarafa.com/index.php/Z-Push_Provisioning). When
enabling this option, the Z-Push-Account syncs fine.

Is there any equivalent option (or a workaround) for SOGo available ?


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