have you tried setting your AuxiliaryMailAccounts value between quotes (')?

Le 08/01/2019 à 23:57, "Daniel Carlos Silva" (daniel.car...@prodemge.gov.br) a écrit :
I´m having some difficulty to use sogo-tool to set AuxiliaryMailAccounts. I always got a json parser error. Even using the json that sogo-tool outputed. Im likely familiar to sogo-tool, I use with success to set mail signature and sieve rules.
sogo-tool user-preferences get defaults fulano-p .pwsieve AuxiliaryMailAccounts
<0x0x15f21a0[SOGoCache]> Cache cleanup interval set every 300.000000 seconds
<0x0x15f21a0[SOGoCache]> Using host(s) '' as server(s)
AuxiliaryMailAccounts: [{"receipts": {"receiptNonRecipientAction": "ignore", "receiptAction": "ignore", "receiptAnyAction": "ignore", "receiptOutsideDomainAction": "ignore"}, "encryption": "tls", "isNew": 1, "port": 993, "name": "ful...@myserver.com", "password": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX", "serverName": "imap.myserver.com", "userName": "fulano", "identities": [{"email": "ful...@myserver.com", "fullName": "ful...@myserver.com", "signature": "Atenciosamente,<br \/><strong \/> Fulano<\/\/strong \/>"}]}]
When I try to insert same json i get this error
sogo-tool user-preferences set defaults 01208801643 -p .pwsieve AuxiliaryMailAccounts [{"receipts": {"receiptNonRecipientAction": "ignore", "receiptAction": "ignore", "receiptAnyAction": "ignore", "receiptOutsideDomainAction": "ignore"}, "encryption": "tls", "isNew": 1, "port": 993, "name": "ful...@myserver.com", "password": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX", "serverName": "imap.myserver.com", "userName": "fulano", "identities": [{"email": "ful...@myserver.com", "fullName": "ful...@myserver.com", "signature": "Atenciosamente,<br \/><strong \/> Fulano<\/\/strong \/>"}]}]
<0x0x1ec2140[SOGoCache]> Cache cleanup interval set every 300.000000 seconds
<0x0x1ec2140[SOGoCache]> Using host(s) '' as server(s)
<0x0x1cf52e0[GSCBufferString]> json parser: Expected value while parsing array, attempting once more after unescaping... <0x0x1cf52e0[GSCBufferString]> total failure. Original string is: [{receipts: 2019-01-08 20:55:16.175 sogo-tool[12828:12828] Invalid JSON input - no changes performed in the database. The supplied value was: [{receipts:

Can someone help me? Is there any trick?

Daniel Carlos Silva

GSR – Gerência de Serviços de Rede

Tel.: (31) 3339-1287
Companhia de Tecnologia da Informação do Estado de Minas Gerais – PRODEMGE

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Daniel Le Bray :: CRI :: Pôle Systèmes et Réseaux
daniel.le-b...@univ-lehavre.fr :: +33 (0)2 32 74 42 94
Universite Le Havre Normandie
25 rue Philippe Lebon, BP1123, 76063 Le Havre Cedex, France
J'accepte les emails VSRE (http://vsre.info/index_fr.html)

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: Signature cryptographique S/MIME

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