Hello, I apologise if I’m first-time posting to the wrong place!

I’ve just upgraded (and due to reasons entirely my fault, I’ve realised I have 
no downgrade path… backup fail) from 3.2.6 (I believe it was) to 4.0.5.

It’s a Debian box, using the “official Debian sogo packages” - I’m now running 
on Debian Buster (due for release later this year).

Everything is working a charm - upgrading the database appears to have worked 
perfectly - all except the “/view” URL used by the AJAX UI for retrieving a 
“rich” email from a folder…

Works using “viewsource”, and the headers download properly etc.  I’m seeing an 
exception thrown in the logs:

Jan 24 22:41:11 sogod [2864]: <0x0x560efac4c220[NGImap4Client]> TLS started 
Jan 24 22:41:11 sogod [2864]:,, "GET 
/SOGo/so/matthewhall/Mail/0/folderINBOX/64252/viewsource HTTP/1.1" 200 1584/0 
0.549 4041 60% 0


Jan 24 22:41:11 sogod [2864]: <0x0x560efac4cae0[NGImap4Client]> TLS started 
2019-01-24 22:41:12.503 sogod[2864:2864] EXCEPTION: <NSException: 
0x560efb64a450> NAME:NSInvalidArgumentException 
REASON:[NSString+stringWithString:]: NULL string INFO:(null)
Jan 24 22:41:12 sogod [2864]:,, "GET 
/SOGo/so/matthewhall/Mail/0/folderINBOX/64252/view HTTP/1.1" 501 0/0 0.550 - - 0


(Note it’s a “GET” request and not a “POST” because I’m reproducing it 
manually, not via the AJAX UI in this example.)

I’ve tried with all the debugging enabled in sogo.conf and I don’t see anything 
unusual: IMAP works perfectly, then sogod throws the exception above.

Any ideas?  I’ve exhausted all my own ideas - and I can’t see that it’s a known 
I’ve by-hand confirmed the database structure looks correct for a 4.0.5, but I 
may have overlooked something.  I briefly tried it against a fresh database 
too, and that behaved the same (again, unless I was overlooking something 

Thanks in advance!
   - Matt


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