19.02.2019 22:09, Dmytro Lysytsyn (dmytro.lysyt...@gmail.com) пишет:
Hello there!
Hope you're doing well.
I'm trying to setup SOGo for the first time. And now I'm stuck with no visible reasons for it.
Would somebody please show me the right way?

Symptoms are: when I'm trying to log on to SOGo under any username ('sogoadm' for example) using 'https://kntest3.ldvtest.org.ua/SOGo' link, this is happened: 1. it redirects me to '/SOGo/<username>', where <username> is that what I'm trying to log on with. And it still shows me SOGo white-and-green login page.

2. If I try to login again (now with 'https://kntest3.ldvtest.org.ua/SOGo/sogoadm' URL) it redirects me again. New URL is 'https://kntest3.ldvtest.org.ua/SOGo/so/sogoadm'. 3. If I'll still try to login it will silently redirect me on what last page again and again, i.g. URL will now always 'https://kntest3.ldvtest.org.ua/SOGo/so/sogoadm' and nothing more happenes.

From mail from Julian Kippels at 21.09.2018 in users@sogo.nu:

Hi again,

I found the problem. It wasn't anything in the /etc/sogo/sogo.conf at
all. The problem was with the Apache configuration. When I comment out
this line

RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-url""https://%{HTTP_HOST}e";

from /etc/httpd/conf.d/SOGo.conf everything works as it should.


See also fix in package:


Andrey Cherepanov


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