Hi again,
thank you all for thinking and analyzing with me. I now solved the
problem by enabling the proxy_http module of Apache. Till now, I just
looked only for the proxy module itself.
Sorry about that.
Kind regards and many thanks,
Am 13.03.19 um 18:29 schrieb Carsten Pieper (i...@carstenpieper.com):
Hi Markus,
Am 13.03.19 um 16:12 schrieb Markus Winkler (m...@irmawi.de):
Hi Carsten,
On Wed, 13 Mar 2019 at 02:56:17PM +0100, Carsten Pieper wrote:
I was looking in nginx because it feels for me that something before
SOGo is not running correctly yet.
what I still cannot understand: you have Apache configured for SOGo,
right? What's the purpose of the additional Nginx in your setup? And
do you really have them _both_ running on the same host, are you sure?
Yes I am, that is the default config in Plesk virtual servers. Nginx
is working as reverse proxy, see:
(Sorry, German, but different translations are available.
It would be good to know which webserver is doing which job. Could
you please send us an output of 'ps aux' and 'netstat -lntp' or
something similar?
It would be helpful if you could:
o set 'LogLevel debug' (in case of using Apache)
Please find attached my /etc/apache2/conf-available/SOGo.conf
and my /etc/sogo/sogo.conf
o send an extract of the logs (configured for CustomLog and ErrorLog)
of the webserver which is serving SOGo right after you try to access
SOGo via browser (when you say that you get an 'Internal Server
Error', then there must be something to find in the log) - even if
it doesn't seem:
I checked /var/log/sogo.log, var/log/apache2/error.log and
/var/log/nginx/error.log and found nothing helpful to get the login
screen displayed.
"interesting" to you.
I've attached you the current sogo.log and apache error.log.
makes me even more think that the problem is caused somewhere in
Apache or Nginx, not in SOGo.
At the moment I assume you have a problem with your webserver(s), but
just to be sure: did you check if the SOGo deamon is really running
and listens on the configured port? You should see something like this:
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1508/sogod
Please find attached the output from ps and netstat in running
Any other ideas are really appreciated, I think it's something
really stupid :-),
Let's see after you give a little more input. ;-)
Thanks and regards,
THANK you so much for your support, I'm a little blinded at the moment...