Dear Eng Christian M. Jensen,

i don't know how say thank you very very much , i appreciate your cooperation 
with me , you want me to add the configuration that you send and recompile from 
source is this right? 
if this the only way i will do this ,but what about to fix the current 
installed version , is there is any way to add any files or do any 

    On Wednesday, July 10, 2019, 07:08:33 PM GMT+2, Christian M. Jensen 
<> wrote:  
hi again.
Just Tested hate leaving thing untested. Works yay! i attached path, this only 
adds  windows-1256 like i wrote earlier.


 On 10-07-2019 18:10, "Christian M. Jensen" ( wrote:

Just tested a bit and can confirm this is an issue, and i think the problem is 
that SOGo has no rules for charset windows-1256 like for others as seen here.
My suggesting is that you add this '{ @"windows-1256", 
XML_CHAR_ENCODING_ERROR},'  to UIxMailPartHTMLViewer.m between line 82/85 and 
compile SOGo to see if that helps, and report back.
Now this just a suggestion not tested so can't say if it will work. The reason 
i think this is where the issue resides, is as you can see by the image, title 
is fine but body is not, and the body part of the mail "look like" it parses 
through that method.


That's just my suggestion, hope you figure out what the root cause is. 
Christian M. Jensen -- 
Christian M. Jensen --  

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