El 30/5/14 a les 14:32, Christian Mack ha escrit:

Sorry to revive an old thread, but it's the only one I found about changing the displayName of a calendar.

Hello Marco Sturm

You can change it vi sogo-tool.

Just get the calendar settings for the resource account with:
/usr/sbin/sogo-tool user-preferences get settings ${RESOURCE} 'Calendar'

In this output there is a key "FolderDisplayNames".
Change it for the folder/calendar you want to change and store the whole
content back with set instead of get.

it's empty here (sogo 3.2.10)

$ sogo-tool user-preferences get settings sala_alemania Calendar
<0x0x55a57de247a0[SOGoCache]> Cache cleanup interval set every 300.000000 seconds
<0x0x55a57de247a0[SOGoCache]> Using host(s) 'localhost' as server(s)
Calendar: {}


Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Am 2014-05-19 08:52, schrieb Marco Sturm:
The calendar is a resource and was created with ldifde. How can I change
the name of the calendar without me to log in as this resource?


On 15.05.2014 18:52, Uwe Koch wrote:

go to your web server page, access the user account and from inside,
click on calendar, Kalender or whichever name you are using on your
translation, click on the configuration icon (probably a gear) and then
tab on the new calendar tag, giving a choosen name (name to show). You
can later click on that name if you want to make it default.


El 15/05/14 05:27, marco.st...@gameduell.de escribió:

is there a way to set or change the default name who is created (now
it is
personal Calendar)?



Uwe Koch Kronberg
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