Hello everyone

I have upgraded a SOGo 2.2.17 database to be used with SOGo version 4 by
running the sql-update-2.2.17_to_2.3.0-mysql.sh
and the sql-update-3.2.10_to_4.0.0-mysql.sh scripts. However, the
address book function is not working properly. Contact entries do not
get loaded, but they do become visible if clicked on. Contacts can be
edited and deleted, but no new contacts can be created.

When checking the logs, I only see one error:

<MySQL4Exception: 0x56200ff0d620> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Unknown
column 'c_hascertificate' in 'field list'

This is a new field introduced in the version 4 database, so I thought
maybe the upgrade script did not work. However, if I look at the
contents of the table, I do see that the entries have the
c_hascertificate field. Even stranger, I can execute the queries which
fail with the above error and I do get a result. Here is an example of a
query that fails according to the logs:

mysql sogo -e "SELECT c_name, c_cn, c_givenname, c_sn, c_screenname, c_o, 
c_mail, c_telephonenumber, c_categories, c_component, c_hascertificate FROM 
sogodanielk0010b139593_quick WHERE (c_component = 'vlist')\G"
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           c_name: 56F6-5EF36600-1-707F7100.vcf
             c_cn: test
      c_givenname: NULL
             c_sn: NULL
     c_screenname: NULL
              c_o: NULL
           c_mail: NULL
c_telephonenumber: NULL
     c_categories: NULL
      c_component: vlist
 c_hascertificate: 0

Is this maybe a bug? Does anyone have a suggestion what to do?

Daniel Kollmer
Computer Technology Group
NIKHEF - Dutch National Institute for Sub-atomic Physics
Science Park 105 1098 XG Amsterdam
Phone: +31205922164 

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