Hi MJ,

Am 08.07.2020 um 14:48 schrieb mj (li...@merit.unu.edu):

On 7/8/20 2:18 PM, armin.v...@mmlab.de wrote:
I think that I made the mistake not to replace the %Name% string in
No you should keep the %Name%. Outlook will replace it with the localpart(@) of the provided email address.

Info: Our users have to authenticate by their email address: firstname.lastname@mydomain.mytld

For the following URLs called by the browser I get these results:

1) https://myserver.mydomain.mytld/SOGo/dav/public/%Name%/freebusy.ifb
-> 400 Bad Request

2) https://myserver.mydomain.mytld/SOGo/dav/public/john.doe/freebusy.ifb
-> object not found: public -> john.doe -> freebusy.ifb

3) https://myserver.mydomain.mytld/SOGo/dav/public/john.doe@mydomain.mytld/freebusy.ifb
-> Download of John Doe's freebusy.ifb will be offered

Conclusion: Outlook won't be able to lookup the ifb file, if you do not use the real username but the %Name% placeholder.


by the real username. I assumed that this variable will be resolved automatically.
It will.

The test with the webbrowser shows that the freebusy.ifb file will be generated without any issue.
Then normally it should also work with the %Name% placeholder.

Could you tell me if you are also running Thunderbird Lightning clients in your environment? I'm wondering if the Freebusy lookup will work between users using Thunderbird Lightning and Outlook users because the mail clients use different mechanisms for it.

We were running straight caldav/lightning, but are more and more moving towards TbSync with CalDAV and ActiveSync.


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