I gave it a go, and ended up with an error that was not very descriptive:

Jul 27 10:00:29 sogod [9679]: 2607:fea8:4a0:1e8b:807f:f6f2:baa3:7a12 "POST /SOGo/so/jonat...@prioritycolo.com/Mail/0/folderINBOX/view HTTP/1.1" 200 31884/48 0.617 - - 15M - 15 Jul 27 10:00:29 sogod [9679]: 2607:fea8:4a0:1e8b:807f:f6f2:baa3:7a12 "POST /SOGo/so/jonat...@prioritycolo.com/Mail/unseenCount HTTP/1.1" 200 21/31 0.323 - - 0 - 14) Jul 27 10:00:32 sogod [9680]: [ERROR] <0x0x561a54ed0d50[SOGoSieveManager]> Sieve connection failed on sieve://staff.prioritycolo.com:4190/?tls=YES

vs using the loopback address.

Jul 27 09:58:01 sogod [9294]: 2607:fea8:4a0:1e8b:807f:f6f2:baa3:7a12 "POST /SOGo/so/jonat...@prioritycolo.com/Mail/0/folderINBOX/view HTTP/1.1" 200 31884/48 0.569 - - 14M - 18 Jul 27 09:58:01 sogod [9294]: 2607:fea8:4a0:1e8b:807f:f6f2:baa3:7a12 "POST /SOGo/so/jonat...@prioritycolo.com/Mail/unseenCount HTTP/1.1" 200 21/31 0.317 - - 0 - 17 2020-07-27 09:58:05.859 sogod[9293:9293] SSL(cert_verify_callback): Certificate validation failed 2020-07-27 09:58:05.859 sogod[9293:9293] ERROR(-[NGActiveSSLSocket startTLS]): couldn't setup SSL connection on host (error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1))... Jul 27 09:58:05 sogod [9293]: <0x0x558ce25ed530[NGSieveClient]> Could not start TLS. Jul 27 09:58:05 sogod [9293]: <0x0x558ce25ed530[NGSieveClient]> WARNING: got exception try to restore connection: <NGStreamWriteErrorException: 0x558ce2616220> NAME:NGStreamWriteErrorException REASON:stream error occured, errno=9 error=Bad file descriptor INFO:{errno = 9; error = "Bad file descriptor"; stream = "{object = 0x558ce25ef880;}"; } Jul 27 09:58:05 sogod [9293]: <0x0x558ce25ed530[NGSieveClient]> WARNING: got exception try to restore connection: <NGStreamWriteErrorException: 0x558ce26523d0> NAME:NGStreamWriteErrorException REASON:stream error occured, errno=9 error=Bad file descriptor INFO:{errno = 9; error = "Bad file descriptor"; stream = "{object = 0x558ce25ef880;}"; } Jul 27 09:58:05 sogod [9293]: <0x0x558ce25ed530[NGSieveClient]> WARNING: got exception try to restore connection: <NGStreamWriteErrorException: 0x558ce26fb950> NAME:NGStreamWriteErrorException REASON:stream error occured, errno=9 error=Bad file descriptor INFO:{errno = 9; error = "Bad file descriptor"; stream = "{object = 0x558ce25ef880;}"; } Jul 27 09:58:05 sogod [9293]: <0x0x558ce25ed530[NGSieveClient]> reconnect to <0x0x558ce25ef7c0[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host= port=4190>, sleeping 4 seconds ... Jul 27 09:58:06 sogod [9294]: 2607:fea8:4a0:1e8b:807f:f6f2:baa3:7a12 "POST /SOGo/so/jonat...@prioritycolo.com/Mail/0/folderINBOX/expunge HTTP/1.1" 200 59/0 0.307 - - 0 - 18 Jul 27 09:58:09 sogod [9293]: <0x0x558ce25ed530[NGSieveClient]> reconnect ... Jul 27 09:58:09 sogod [9293]: <0x0x558ce25ed530[NGSieveClient]> WARNING: got exception try to restore connection: <NGStreamWriteErrorException: 0x558ce2616220> NAME:NGStreamWriteErrorException REASON:stream error occured, errno=9 error=Bad file descriptor INFO:{errno = 9; error = "Bad file descriptor"; stream = "{object = 0x558ce25ef880;}"; } Jul 27 09:58:09 sogod [9293]: <0x0x558ce25ed530[NGSieveClient]> reconnect to <0x0x558ce25ef7c0[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host= port=4190>, sleeping 6 seconds ... Jul 27 09:58:15 sogod [9293]: <0x0x558ce25ed530[NGSieveClient]> reconnect ... Jul 27 09:58:15 sogod [9293]: [ERROR] <0x0x558ce25e9760[SOGoSieveManager]> Sieve connection failed on sieve://

No errors in the apache error log, access log only shows the POST request.

It was all setup and configured by another person, but AFIAK, it was functional with the confs as they are. The only item I know recently occurred was the renewal of the SSL cert. I'm not even sure where to start to start trying to narrow down what it could be. Rest of the SOGo UI is fine, it loads up the mailbox etc (tho looking at the log the POST for the unseen count also fails). I did verify I able to connect on port 4190:

 telnet 4190
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
"IMPLEMENTATION" "Dovecot Pigeonhole"
"SIEVE" "fileinto reject envelope encoded-character vacation subaddress comparator-i;ascii-numeric relational regex imap4flags copy include variables body enotify environment mailbox date index ihave duplicate mime foreverypart extracttext"
"NOTIFY" "mailto"
"VERSION" "1.0"
OK "Dovecot ready."
OK "Begin TLS negotiation now."

But aren't able to on with the hostname:

telnet staff.prioritycolo.com 4190
Trying 2607:f698:100:1::5...
telnet: connect to address 2607:f698:100:1::5: Connection refused
telnet: connect to address Connection refused

Next step I suppose will be to look at the firewall rules to open that port from localhost then try again with sieve://staff.prioritycolo.com:4190/?tls=YES

Thanks again,

Jonathan Davis - Priority Colo Inc.

On 2020-07-27 8:22 a.m., Francis Lachapelle (flachape...@inverse.ca) wrote:
Hi Jonathan

On Jul 26, 2020, at 12:33 PM, Jonathan Davis (jonat...@prioritycolo.com) 
<users@sogo.nu> wrote:

We are running into a 503 error when a user clicks the save in their profiles 
settings, logs below.

We're using SOGo with Sieve & Dovecot

     SOGoSieveServer = "sieve://";
     SOGoIMAPServer = "imap://";

We recently updated our SSL certificate with a wildcard for our domain, and I 
am wondering if there is something I might have missed.
You must use your FQDN in your configuration when you enable TLS/SSL.


2020-07-24 15:14:43.619 sogod[15411:15411] SSL(cert_verify_callback): 
Certificate validation failed
2020-07-24 15:14:43.619 sogod[15411:15411] ERROR(-[NGActiveSSLSocket 
startTLS]): couldn't setup SSL connection on host 
Jul 24 15:14:43 sogod [15411]: <0x0x563de89260a0[NGSieveClient]> Could not 
start TLS.
Jul 24 15:14:43 sogod [15411]: <0x0x563de89260a0[NGSieveClient]> WARNING: got exception try to restore 
connection: <NGStreamWriteErrorException: 0x563de8a332b0> NAME:NGStreamWriteErrorException REASON:stream 
error occured, errno=9 error=Bad file descriptor INFO:{errno = 9; error = "Bad file descriptor"; 
stream = "{object = 0x563de89283f0;}"; }
Jul 24 15:14:43 sogod [15411]: <0x0x563de89260a0[NGSieveClient]> WARNING: got exception try to restore 
connection: <NGStreamWriteErrorException: 0x563de898d490> NAME:NGStreamWriteErrorException REASON:stream 
error occured, errno=9 error=Bad file descriptor INFO:{errno = 9; error = "Bad file descriptor"; 
stream = "{object = 0x563de89283f0;}"; }
Jul 24 15:14:43 sogod [15411]: <0x0x563de89260a0[NGSieveClient]> WARNING: got exception try to restore 
connection: <NGStreamWriteErrorException: 0x563de8a33f90> NAME:NGStreamWriteErrorException REASON:stream 
error occured, errno=9 error=Bad file descriptor INFO:{errno = 9; error = "Bad file descriptor"; 
stream = "{object = 0x563de89283f0;}"; }
Jul 24 15:14:43 sogod [15411]: <0x0x563de89260a0[NGSieveClient]> reconnect to 
<0x0x563de8928330[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host= port=4190>, sleeping 4 
seconds ...
Jul 24 15:14:43 sogod [15408]: 2607:fea8:4a0:1e8b:59b8:c4b2:cff7:d32e "POST 
/SOGo/so/jonat...@prioritycolo.com/Mail/0/folderINBOX/expunge HTTP/1.1" 200 59/0 
0.303 - - 0 - 24
Jul 24 15:14:47 sogod [15411]: <0x0x563de89260a0[NGSieveClient]> reconnect ...
Jul 24 15:14:47 sogod [15411]: <0x0x563de89260a0[NGSieveClient]> WARNING: got exception try to restore 
connection: <NGStreamWriteErrorException: 0x563de8a35380> NAME:NGStreamWriteErrorException REASON:stream 
error occured, errno=9 error=Bad file descriptor INFO:{errno = 9; error = "Bad file descriptor"; 
stream = "{object = 0x563de89283f0;}"; }
Jul 24 15:14:47 sogod [15411]: <0x0x563de89260a0[NGSieveClient]> reconnect to 
<0x0x563de8928330[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host= port=4190>, sleeping 6 
seconds ...
Jul 24 15:14:48 sogod [15416]: <0x0x563de8b49330[NGSieveClient]> reconnect ...
Jul 24 15:14:48 sogod [15416]: [ERROR] <0x0x563de8b47ca0[SOGoSieveManager]> 
Sieve connection failed on sieve://

Thank you,


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