
I have a situation here that is making me pull all my hair out:

I have been using SOGo with MySQL and it's been working very well.

I have now added LDAP AD/Samba4 authentication for a test domain and SOGo
does not find and display e-mails, whereas Outlook is able to connect via
IMAP and display those e-mails.

Authentication succeeds, then instead of displaying the web UI showing
e-mails, calendar, etc, it simply logs out and wants me to login again.

I am not sure if it is possible to mix-and-match different types of
authentication. I thought it should not be a problem and SOGO would use the
Dictionaries and Sources one after another.
Is my assumption correct???

Hoping someone is able to act as my 3rd eye and see where my mistake is.

I have captured sogo.log on this link:
My sogo.conf is on the following link:

Thanking you in advance

Best regards,
+254 7 3200 0004/+254 7 2274 3223
"Oh, the cruft.", grep ^[^#] :-)

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