On Wed, 13 Jan 2021 at 18:17, "Marina D." <users@sogo.nu> wrote:

> Hello,
> for  a few days now I have been fiddling around with a SOGo-Server
> (selfhosted nightly-build, version 5, updated daily at the moment) and so
> far I managed to get almost everything up and running.
> But there is one big issue I'd be very glad if anyone could give me a hint
> what is wrong here.
> The problem in short: I cannot send Mails to external recipients.
> This is the basic setup:
> The Mailserver with Dovecot and Postfix is on Server A, running for
> several years now and I don't want to change the way things are on here too
> much. This server has several the domains on it, among them abcd.tld and
> the Server-FQDN is fqn.abc.tld
> The new server B on which SOGo has been installed is a fresh VServer using
> Debian 10, LetsEncrypt-Certificate for accessing the webfrontend and it
> uses the nightly-builds. I followed the official installation guide and set
> up a SOGo-Instance using Postgresql 11 for users authentification. The view
> within my database with the names, passwords matching the mail-passwords
> and so on exists and I can login successfully. I can see the Folders, read
> mails, create appointments and so on.
> This Server B on which SOGo is installed has received its own subdomain so
> it's reachable at sogo.abcd.tld.
> Long description of the problem:
> My problem is that I cannot send mails to addresses outside of my own
> domain-range. Meaning: I can send Emails with SOGos Webfrontend to any
> email-address @abcd.tld or any other domain hosted on the server "A".
> On this server A with postfix and dovecot there are several vhost-domains,
> for example domain1.tld. As it resides on the same server as abc.tld I am
> able to send a mail from address us...@abcd.tld to us...@domain1.tld when
> using SOGo's webfrontend. But using the Webfrontend I cannot send an email
> to external services like user.n...@gmail.com or anything like that.
> Using a classic Mail-App like thunderbird on my desktop pc which connects
> to the emailserver on fqn.abc.tld directly works perfect and there are no
> restrictions to send emails in any kind like mentioned above.
> When I try to send mails from SOGo's Webfrontend I get these possible
> errors depending on the config in /etc/sogo/sogo.conf:
> *First case: *
> more or less vanilla config setting as few ports as possible:
> /etc/sogo/sogo.conf:
>   /* Mail */
>   SOGoDraftsFolderName = INBOX.Drafts;
>   SOGoSentFolderName = INBOX.Sent;
>   SOGoTrashFolderName = INBOX.Trash;
>   SOGoJunkFolderName = INBOX.Spam;
>   SOGoIMAPServer = "imap://abc.tld";
>   SOGoSieveServer = "sieve://abc.tld:4190";
>   SOGoSMTPServer = "smtp://abc.tld";

 SOGoSMTPServer =;
 SOGoSMTPServer = smtp://domain*:port  *

*[*Installation and Configuration Guide (sogo.nu)

SOGoSMTPServer:           The DNS name or IP address of the SMTP server
used when SOGoMailingMechanism is set to smtp.
                                           Supported formats are:
*smtp://domain:port*, *smtps://domain, domain:port*,
                                           Using the option tls=YES will
enforce using STARTTLS SMTP connections. Thus,
                                           would use the default MUA port
on localhost with STARTTLS enforced.
                                          To disable TLS verification for
localhost domains, add tlsVerifyMode=allowInsecureLocalhost to
                                          such connections:

And all that is required is that a connection can be made to N.N.N.N and it
allows the IP address of the SOGo server to send mail through it.

So, once you append the port to the value, and restart sogod, share the
logs of the SMTP server and not SOGo :-)

Best regards,
+254 7 3200 0004/+254 7 2274 3223
"Oh, the cruft.", grep ^[^#] :-)

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