There are no changes needed to sogo.conf
All should be in your case apache/ 

William Bowden | JMRIT Consultants
Consultant Engineer | m:07525 645105 |

> On 6 Apr 2021, at 19:15, Maximo Monsalvo ( 
> <> wrote:
> El 6/4/21 a las 14:53, DEPR� Ga�tan - 
> <> ( <>) 
> escribi�:
>> What web server do you use ?
>> �
>> Did you set the requestheaders regarding your configuration : (port 443 
>> instead of 80 & htts resquests) ?
>> �
>> Here is my apache configuration part for headers
>> �
>> RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-port" "443"
>> SetEnvIf Host (.*) HTTP_HOST=$1
>> RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-name" "%{HTTP_HOST}e" env=HTTP_HOST
>> RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-url" https://%{HTTP_HOST}e 
>> <https://%25%7bHTTP_HOST%7de> env=HTTP_HOST
> YEs i have the same lines in sogo.conf 
>> �
>> I have a redirect from http to https on my vhost.
>> �
>> De�: <> 
>> <> <> De la part de William 
>> Bowden
>> Envoy�: mardi 6 avril 2021 15:44
>> ��: "Beno�t ( <>)" 
>> <> <>
>> Objet�: Re: [SOGo] Error when install ssl lets'encrypt
>> �
>> Lets-encrypt should not affect the login page �several questions � are 
>> you running NGINX or Apache ( fingers crossed I am NGIX fan)
>> Did you install certbot �i.e. # sudo apt install certbot�
>> Start with this�
>> �
>> William Bowden | JMRIT Consultants
>> Consultant Engineer | m:07525 645105 | 
>> <>
>> �
>> �
>> On 6 Apr 2021, at 14:07, Maximo Monsalvo ( 
>> <>) < <>> wrote:
>> �
>> Hi i have sogo install on ubuntu 16.04 server, sogo 4.3 version and self 
>> signed certificate, when i install lets-encrypt the login page looks like 
>> this attached, if i remove lets-encrypt page from login looks correct again
>> �
>> Can you help me with this?
>> �
>> �
>> -- 
>> <>
>> <>
>> <error-sogo.png>
>> �
>> -- 
>> <>
>> <>
> -- 
> <>
> <>

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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