
I want to share a personal calendar of a user to somebody else. I can do this via the webinterface as superuser. However, I cannot add the subscription for somebody else. For this, I can use the sogo tool e.g.:

sudo -u sogo sogo-tool manage-acl subscribe owner-user Calendar/personal dest-user

I also tried with "AuthorizedSubscriber":
sudo -u sogo sogo-tool manage-acl subscribe owner-user Calendar/personal dest-user AuthorizedSubscriber

The personal calendar of the owner shows up at the destination user, however it does not add the owner information. This means that the destination user has 2 calendars which are called the same "Personal Calendar".

If the destination user searches and subscribes the calendar of the owner via the webinterface, the shared calendar shows up correctly with name. (however, I want that for users the new calendar shows up automatically, most users will not know how to find those calendars, even with the webinterface).

Please find the example attached. (I'm using the latest 5.3 of 2 days ago).

Can somebody explain me if this can be fixed with more complete/correct sogo-tool parameters?

I would also like to know if there is more documentation (or more examples) available for sogo-tool? I didn't find anything, and I'm not sure I completely understand the different rights described here https://github.com/inverse-inc/sogo/blob/master/SoObjects/Appointments/product.plist or the general usage here https://github.com/inverse-inc/sogo/blob/master/Tools/SOGoToolManageACL.m Also via google I do find very little information on examples of other users using sogo-tool.

thank you, and kind regards,

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