Hi Christian,

I'm also running 5.5.1 and have no problems sending signed messages, provided 
the sender address is really part of the  certificate. Please double check 
that. I Tried with both, a certificate with the email address in SAN only (like 
yours) and a certificate with the email address in DN and SAN.

I can confirm that email addresses in the SAN are not visible in Preferences > 
Mail > IMAP Accounts > Edit > Security.
With the fix for issue #5440 SAN email addresses became visible only when 
viewing signed messages.

Best regards,

Am Mittwoch, 23. Februar 2022 10:57 CET, schrieb "Christian Setzer | Hochschule 
Augsburg" (christian.set...@hs-augsburg.de) <users@sogo.nu>:

> sorry ...
> hereby with the attachments ...
> :P
> ChriS.
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject:      sogo webclient - send signed email error - sender address not
> in certificate
> Date:         Wed, 23 Feb 2022 10:41:12 +0100
> From:         Christian Setzer | Hochschule Augsburg
> <christian.set...@hs-augsburg.de>
> Organization:         Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Augsburg
> To:   users@sogo.nu
> Hello all together!
> As i am not sure if it is or was a reported bug already, i will try this
> channel first, although i couldn't find anything on the same topic.
> It seems to me that it could be related to the issues #5407 and #5440 in
> the SOGo BTS and the "fix(mail): check if smime certificate matches
> sender address".
> Currently, we cannot send signed messages using the sogo web client. 
> (actually using version 5.5.1)
> Before sending, there appears to be a check of the valid certificate and
> it runs into an error:
> "The message can't be signed because the sender address is not included
> in the certificate associated to the mail account."
> See attachment: "SogoWebErrorMessageSignedSenderAddressNotInCert.jpg"
> If i recall it correctly, we had no issues sending signed email until
> version 5.2, before the change in version 5.3 where the check was added.
> Then, we had the issue with the warning when receiving signed messages
> as shown in bug #5440, which disappeared with the upgrade on 5.4.
> "Message is signed but the certificate (name surname) doesn't match the
> sender email address"
> Finally, we upgraded to 5.5.1 and hoped the sending signed error would
> disappear, but it didn't.
> When i go to Preferences > Mail > IMAP Accounts > Edit > Security and
> open the view of the certificate, i can only see the parts Subject Name
> and Issuer.
> But the SAN / E-Mail-Address is not shown / visible.
> See attachment: "SogoWebSecurityViewCertDetails.jpg"
> My questions would be:
> Could anyone observe the same issue?
> What could be the origin, if it is likely to be a more personal issue?
> If others can observe it to, should i place it in the SOGo BTS?
> Thanks and greetings,
> ChriS.
> --
> Christian Setzer
> Rechenzentrum (Computer Center & IT Services)
> HOCHSCHULE für angewandte Wissenschaften AUGSBURG (University of Applied 
> Sciences)
> --


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