Hi Francis,

Op 28-06-2022 om 21:57 schreef Francis Lachapelle (flachape...@inverse.ca):
Hi Kees

On Jun 28, 2022, at 15:33, Kees van Vloten <users@sogo.nu> wrote:

I am trying to set mail forwarding with sogo-tool:

sogo-tool user-preferences set defaults test2 -p /etc/sogo/sieve.creds Forward 
-f /tmp/fwd
<0x0x5638face3ec0[SOGoCache]> Cache cleanup interval set every 300.000000 
<0x0x5638face3ec0[SOGoCache]> Using host(s) '' as server(s)
S[0x5638fafb21a0]: "IMPLEMENTATION" "Dovecot"
S[0x5638fafb21a0]: "SIEVE" "fileinto reject envelope encoded-character vacation 
subaddress comparator-i;ascii-numeric relational regex imap4flags copy include variables body 
enotify environment mailbox date index ihave duplicate mime foreverypart extracttext 
vacation-seconds spamtest imapflags notify imapsieve vnd.dovecot.imapsieve"
S[0x5638fafb21a0]: "NOTIFY" "mailto"
S[0x5638fafb21a0]: "SASL" "GSSAPI GSS-SPNEGO PLAIN"
S[0x5638fafb21a0]: "STARTTLS"
S[0x5638fafb21a0]: "VERSION" "1.0"
S[0x5638fafb21a0]: OK "Dovecot ready."

S[0x5638fafb21a0]: OK "Logged in."
sogo-tool: Uncaught exception NSInvalidArgumentException, reason: 
NGImap4Client(instance) does not recognize authenticate:authname:password:
Make sure you're using the latest version of libsope-mime.

dpkg -l | grep sope-mime
ii  libsope-mime4.9 4.9.r1664                      amd64        SOPE libraries for MIME processin

There is an interesting thing with this. The version-number of the package has not changed since december 2021 (when I compiled 5.3.0), so it did not get updated at any time. However when I look at build results of 5.7.0, all sope components are still at version 4.9.r1664 but the binaries are not exactly identical to those built with 5.3.0.

At one hand I would not surprise me if that is causing issues, but on the hand the versions are the same so there is no way Debian is going to upgrade anything. And also an unchanged version-number should indicate identical code. What is going on?

And even more: what would be right thing to do?

The login seems to succeed (a manual test with telnet confirms that) but then 
Sogo suddenly crashes.

When I set mail forwarding from the browser it works fine.

I am using Sogo 5.7.0 on Debian Bullseye.

How can I fix this issue?
Or what would be a good approach to debug it?

- Kees

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