Fantastic! That works perfectly!
Thanks so much!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Best Regards,

Stefan Fröchtenicht
(Von mobil gesendet)

> Am 05.08.2022 um 14:29 schrieb Christoph Lechleitner <>:
> Am 05.08.22 um 14:09 schrieb Stefan Fröchtenicht (
>> Hello there,
>> i have an problem for weeks now.
>> My Sogo Websession is ending after 5 minutes. everytime! even i write an 
>> mail, it logs out.
>> i think an update is the problem. i dont know.
>> Because before this error i was logged in for an workday with no problems.
>> What is wrong now?
> We had that problem when my session info got too big.
> Back then we solved it by making the regarding database column larger, which 
> back then was a manual 'backport' of a change planned for a version that's 
> long out by now.
> Anyway, maybe it helps, here's what we did (in a mysql CLI client):
> ALTER TABLE sogo_sessions_folder MODIFY c_value VARCHAR(16383);
> IIRC the initial change was to increase the size from 255 chars to 4096 (4K). 
> We switched to 16383 (16 K minus 2, can't remember why the "minus 2") after 
> we recognized my user's row ate over 3000 already.
> Regards, Christoph Lechleitner
> -- 

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