
You could add the external hostname to /etc/hosts, which then would resolve to localhost again.

Alternatively, you could also make the non-TLS port bind on localhost only, in this way it isnt exposed externally (passing -o smtp_bind_address in master.cf).


Am 15.04.23 um 17:36 schrieb "Simon Wilson" (si...@simonandkate.net):
I see with SOGoSMTPServer that I can set "smtp://localhost:587/?tls=YES&tlsVerifyMode=allowInsecureLocalhost" - however this only works when the SMTP server is at localhost. I use a non-localhost SMTP server which uses Let's Encrypt certs for Postfix, but pinned to external domain names. Thus when using internal addressing for this server the certificate verification fails when submitted to by SOGo.

Is there a way to accept insecure non-localhost? Otherwise I have to open submission port externally and loop back to it, which is not a preferred option.

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