My SOGo install is now stable with LDAP authentication, so I'm moving back to 
look at LDAP configuration.

​​​​​​First question is about setting up with multiple domains, as I host email 
for 5.

If multiple domains are configured in sogo.conf, each with a different 
SOGoUserSource, how does SOGo select which Source to use? Does SOGo work 
through them until it finds a login match, and then use the config included for 
that domain (e.g. SOGoMailDomain etc.)? 

So if user simon is in LDAP baseDN 
",ou=users,dc=simonandkate,dc=lan", but user james is in 
LDAP baseDN ",ou=users,dc=simonandkate,dc=lan"​​, what applies 
when they login? 

  /* LDAP */

  domains = { = {
      SOGoMailDomain =;
      SOGoUserSources = (
          type = ldap;
          baseDN = ",ou=users,dc=simonandkate,dc=lan";

  ... (rest of definition) = {
      SOGoMailDomain =;
      SOGoUserSources = (
          type = ldap;
          baseDN = ",ou=users,dc=simonandkate,dc=lan";

Simon Wilson
M: 0400 121 116

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