On 28-06-2023 13:13, Frank Richter (frank.rich...@hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) wrote:

for Web access to our SOGo server we use LDAP authentication. This works for CalDAV/CardDAV as well. We’d like to have another authentication method for CalDAV/CardDAV: same username, but different password (as users store those passwords in their apps, we’d like to have different password just for DAV accesses). Any hints how to achieve this are welcome.

We’ve Apache as reverse proxy in front of SOGo.
I have authentication delegated to the apache reverse proxy. With this I am able to achieve exactly what you describe but for sogo-webmail and sogo-activesync.

I have not tried to make caldav/carddav available for mobile devices since activesync includes that information. But I see no reason why apache cannot do this for *dav.

- Kees.


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