Title: BTS activities for Monday, July 31 2023

BTS Activities

Home page: https://bugs.sogo.nu
Project: SOGo
For the period covering: Monday, July 31 2023

idlast updatestatus (resolution)categorysummary
5639 2023-07-31 09:18:22 confirmed (open) Apple Calendar (Mac OS X) CalDAV: Mac OS Calendar unable to find existing SOGo calendars and creates a new one.
5695 2023-07-31 10:45:25 resolved (fixed) Web Mail mail identites choice doesnt change signature image
5800 2023-07-31 10:46:29 closed (fixed) Apple Calendar (Mac OS X) Apple Calendar App gets Error 501 when connecting
5744 2023-07-31 10:47:01 closed (fixed) Backend Calendar MySQL4Exception: Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x98\x8A\x0A\x0A...' for column `sogo`.`sogo_quick_appointment`.`c_description

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