
Nothing wrong when I put the same data as you in a user. Could you open an 
issue in https://bugs.sogo.nu/ ?
If you don't have an account yet, you'll need to create it and notify me so I 
can enable it.


-----Original Message-----
From: users-requ...@sogo.nu <users-requ...@sogo.nu> On Behalf Of Bits 'n Tricks
Sent: lundi 20 novembre 2023 18:42
To: users@sogo.nu
Subject: Re: [SOGo] 501 error


see attachment,

Met Vriendelijke Groet,
Kind Regards,

Bart Coninckx
Bits 'n Tricks

On 20/11/2023 17:06, qhivert wrote:
> Hello,
> Could you put the c_defaults value in a txt or json file? Because with 
> Outlook hard to tell if the line return is in database or from outlook 
> formatting.
> Quentin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: users-requ...@sogo.nu <users-requ...@sogo.nu> On Behalf Of Bits 
> 'n Tricks
> Sent: lundi 20 novembre 2023 15:33
> To: users@sogo.nu
> Subject: Re: [SOGo] 501 error
> Sure:
> c_uid: info
> c_defaults:
> {"SOGoMailLabelsColors":{"$mdnsent":["Ontvangstbewijs verzonden", 
> "#006600"],"$label5":["Later", "#993399"],"$label2":["Werk", 
> "#FF9900"],"$label4":["Te doen", "#3333FF"],"$forwarded":["Forwarded",
> "#B01FE3"],"$label1":["Belangrijk",
> "#FF0000"],"$label3":["Persoonlijk",
> "#009900"]},"SOGoMailAutoSave":"5","SOGoTimeFormat":"%H:%M","SOGoMailA
> ddOutgoingAddresses":0,"SOGoCalendarCategories":["Klant",
> "Favorieten", "Kwesties", "Meeting", "Projecten", "Status", 
> "Concurrentie", "Cliënten", "Zaken", "Vrije dagen", "Trouwdag", 
> "Vervolggesprek", "Nationale feestdag", "Giften", "Reizen", 
> "Diversen", "Persoonlijk", "Telefoongesprekken", "Verjaardag", 
> "Ideeën", "Leveranciers", 
> "Vakantie"],"SOGoCalendarDefaultReminder":"NONE","SOGoCalendarCategori
> esColors":{"Diversen":"#FA016D","Persoonlijk":"#0E197D","Favorieten":"
> #0396FF","Zaken":"#623AA2","Vrije 
> dagen":"#F55555","Vakantie":"#E80505","Ideeën":"#6018DC","Vervolggespr
> ek":"#9708CC","Giften":"#E96D71","Cliënten":"#9F44D3","Kwesties":"#EA5
> 455","Nationale 
> feestdag":"#736EFE","Telefoongesprekken":"#DE4313","Status":"#F6416C",
> "Klant":"#F8D800","Leveranciers":"#D939CD","Reizen":"#3677FF","Concurr
> entie":"#28C76F","Projecten":"#32CCBC","Trouwdag":"#8C1BAB","Meeting":
> "#7367F0","Verjaardag":"#002661"},"SOGoPasswordRecoveryQuestion":"Secr
> etQuestion1","SOGoLoginModule":"Mail","SOGoDayStartTime":"08:00","SOGo
> CalendarWeekdays":["SU",
> "MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR",
> "SA"],"SOGoCalendarTasksDefaultClassification":"PUBLIC","SOGoTimeZone"
> :"GMT+1","SOGoPasswordRecoveryMode":"Disabled","SOGoRefreshViewCheck":
> "manually","SOGoLanguage":"Dutch","SOGoAnimationMode":"normal","SOGoMa
> ilSignaturePlacement":"below","SOGoSelectedAddressBook":"collected","S
> OGoContactsCategories":["Collega",
> "Concurrent", "Familie", "Klant", "Leverancier", "Pers", "VIP", 
> "Vriend", 
> "Zakenrelatie"],"SOGoShortDateFormat":"%d-%b-%y","SOGoFirstWeekOfYear"
> :"January1","SOGoDefaultCalendar":"selected","SOGoFirstDayOfWeek":0,"S
> OGoAlternateAvatar":"none","SOGoTOTPEnabled":0,"SOGoCalendarEventsDefa
> ultClassification":"PUBLIC","SOGoMailComposeMessageType":"html","SOGoG
> ravatarEnabled":0,"SOGoLongDateFormat":"%A,
> %B %d,
> %Y","SOGoMailDisplayRemoteInlineImages":"never","SOGoMailAutoMarkAsRea
> dDelay":0,"SOGoMailComposeFontSize":0,"SOGoMailMessageForwarding":"inl
> ine","SOGoMailReplyPlacement":"below","SOGoDayEndTime":"18:00"}
> c_settings:
> {"Calendar":{"SelectedList":"eventsListView","FoldersOrder":["personal
> "],"EventsFilterState":"view_next7","EventsSortingState":["start",
> "1"],"View":"weekview"},"Mail":{"folderForExpunge":"imap://info@localh
> ost/INBOX/"}}
> ---
> Met Vriendelijke Groet,
> Kind Regards,
> Salutations,
> Bart Coninckx
> Bits 'n Tricks
> On 20/11/2023 08:47, smizr...@alinto.eu wrote:
>> Can you provide the content of the sogo_user_profile table for the 
>> user when the problem occurs ?
>> Sebastien
>> Le Samedi, Novembre 18, 2023 17:44 CET, "Bits 'n Tricks"
>> (i...@bitsandtricks.com) <users@sogo.nu> a écrit:
>>> I should add my config:
>>> {
>>> SOGoProfileURL =
>>> "mysql://sogo:hidden@localhost:3306/sogo/sogo_user_profile";
>>> OCSFolderInfoURL =
>>> "mysql://sogo:hidden@localhost:3306/sogo/sogo_folder_info";
>>> OCSSessionsFolderURL =
>>> "mysql://sogo:hiddenƒ@localhost:3306/sogo/sogo_sessions_folder";
>>> //OCSEMailAlarmsFolderURL =
>>> "postgresql://sogo:password@";
>>> SOGoLanguage = English;
>>> SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications = YES; SOGoMailingMechanism = 
>>> smtp; SOGoSMTPServer =; SOGoTimeZone = GMT+1; 
>>> SOGoSentFolderName = Sent; SOGoTrashFolderName = Trash; 
>>> SOGoDraftsFolderName = Drafts; SOGoIMAPServer = 
>>> "imap://localhost:143/?tls=NO"; SOGoSieveServer = 
>>> "sieve://localhost:4190/?tls=YES";
>>> SOGoIMAPAclConformsToIMAPExt = YES;
>>> SOGoVacationEnabled = NO;
>>> SOGoForwardEnabled = NO;
>>> SOGoSieveScriptsEnabled = NO;
>>> SOGoFirstDayOfWeek = 0;
>>> SOGoMailMessageCheck = manually;
>>> SOGoMailAuxiliaryUserAccountsEnabled = NO; SOGoMemcachedHost = 
>>>; //SOGoSuperUsernames = (admin); SOGoUserSources = ( { 
>>> type = sql; id = users; viewURL = 
>>> "mysql://sogo:hidden@";
>>> canAuthenticate = YES;
>>> isAddressBook = NO;
>>> userPasswordAlgorithm = md5;
>>> }
>>> );
>>> }
>>> ---
>>> Met Vriendelijke Groet,
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> Salutations,
>>> Bart Coninckx
>>> Bits 'n Tricks
>>> On 18/11/2023 14:49, Bits 'n Tricks wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I installed SOGo by means of the packages in Debian 12. I used
>>> MariaDB
>>>> (MySQL) as the backend. After a while I get an 501 error and this
>>> in
>>>> the log file:
>>>> 2023-11-18 14:34:47.939 sogod[325593:325593] EXCEPTION:
>>> <NSException:
>>>> 0x559f0f4b24a0> NAME:NSInvalidArgumentException
>>>> REASON:NSDataMalloc(instance) does not recognize isJSONString
>>>> INFO:(null)
>>>> Nov 18 14:34:47 sogod [325593]: "POST 
>>>> /SOGo/so/info/Mail/0/folderSent/view HTTP/1.1" 501 0/48 0.022 - -
>>> 0 -
>>>> 14
>>>> This is temporarily fixed by deleting the user row in 
>>>> sogo_user_profile.
>>>> Why is this happening and how can I fix it?
>>>> Cheers!

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