I suspect something is wrong with my database. I can no longer log into the 
sogo web interface. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling sogo. I'm on ubuntu 

sogo-activesync/unknown,now amd64 [installed]
sogo/unknown,now amd64 [installed]
sope4.9-gdl1-mysql/unknown,now 4.9.r1664.20230927 amd64 [installed]
sope4.9-libxmlsaxdriver/unknown,now 4.9.r1664.20230927 amd64 

I have logging turned on and here's what I see:
2023-11-25 08:56:22.819 sogod[1087145:1087145] MySQL4 connection established 
2023-11-25 08:56:22.819 sogod[1087145:1087145] ---------- -[MySQL4Channel 
openChannel]: <MySQL4Channel[0x0x559c7b6a2280] connection=0x0x559c7becb050> 
opens channel count[5]
2023-11-25 08:56:22.819 sogod[1087145:1087145] MySQL4 channel 0x0x559c7b6a2280 
opened (connection=0x0x559c7becb050,sogo)
2023-11-25 08:56:22.819 sogod[1087145:1087145] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x559c7b6a2280] 
connection=0x0x559c7becb050> SQL: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile 
WHERE c_uid = 'dec...@robdecker.com';
2023-11-25 08:56:22.820 sogod[1087145:1087145] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x559c7b6a2280] 
connection=0x0x559c7becb050>   query has results, entering fetch-mode.
2023-11-25 08:56:22.820 sogod[1087145:1087145] EXCEPTION: <NSException: 
0x559c7b6eb720> NAME:NSInvalidArgumentException REASON:NSDataMalloc(instance) 
does not recognize isJSONString INFO:(null)

I ran the same select statement and got a json string. When I put it into a 
json pretty printer the json is valid. 

I think the encoding is correct:

MariaDB [sogo]> SELECT character_set_name FROM information_schema.`COLUMNS`  
WHERE table_schema = "sogo"  and table_name = "sogo_user_profile" and 
column_name = "c_defaults";
| character_set_name |
| utf8mb4            |
1 row in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [sogo]> SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE NAME LIKE 'sogo_user_profile';
| Name              | Engine | Version | Row_format | Rows | Avg_row_length | 
Data_length | Max_data_length | Index_length | Data_free | Auto_increment | 
Create_time         | Update_time | Check_time | Collation   | Checksum | 
Create_options | Comment | Max_index_length | Temporary |
| sogo_user_profile | InnoDB |      10 | Dynamic    |    2 |           8192 |   
    16384 |               0 |            0 |         0 |           NULL | 
2023-11-25 14:04:36 | NULL        | NULL       | utf8mb4_bin |     NULL |       
         |         |                0 | N         |
1 row in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [sogo]> describe sogo_user_profile;
| Field      | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| c_uid      | varchar(255) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| c_defaults | mediumtext   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| c_settings | mediumtext   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
3 rows in set (0.001 sec)

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