No, my problem was I wasn't sure if I really needed to install & configure samba+openchange of if activesync was working out of the box with sogo-activesync package.
I now know the answer to this.

Also I was confused because the documentation for that activesync part isn't offered for sogo v5 (only caldav synchronizer) when it was for sogo v3.


On 2023-12-28 16:26, qhivert wrote:


So your problem is that all seems to be correctly configured sogo-side but you don't succeed to make an outlook profile that sync with it?

From: <> On Behalf Of Jérôme Melis
Sent: jeudi 28 décembre 2023 10:17
Subject: Re: [SOGo] Need information about SOGo workflow

Thanks Kees.

I've read about this too, the idea was to have a 2nd instance on another port just for not blocking the threads with activesync connections.
Then nginx is redirecting request as a reverse proxy.

But to me that is not really a concern.


On 2023-12-28 16:00, van Vloten Kees wrote:

My experience with eas in a separate sogo instance is good. That separates the workloads, so users don't experience delays in webmail and dav.

It is documented somewhere in the sogo website, since I am on holiday I can't look up the link easily.

Next week I will be able to supply details on my setup.

- Kees

Op do 28 dec. 2023 10:25 schreef qhivert <>:

Hello Jérôme,

Is it a company requirement for people to use outlook on Mac? If not, tell them to use the apple calendar where there is caldav/cardav especially if the sync is essential. Even if they don't want to, they will have to if they want their event/contacts.

However, sogo can use activesync but it's very tedious to dimension has this protocol will use a lot of ram and keep the connection open with a worker/process for some times. You'll will find the info here ->

And here ->



From: <> On Behalf Of Jérôme Melis
Sent: jeudi 28 décembre 2023 02:44
To: Bruno CAPELETO ( <>
Subject: Re: [SOGo] Need information about SOGo workflow

Dear Bruno,

thank you very much for your insights.

I would rather like to avoid outlook as I know by experience how much of a nightmare it can be.

But if I don't find a solution quickly, I'm afraid the direction will order a migration to MS exchange with all the headaches that implies.

I've looked at openchange a bit and it seems it does all the work, so I'm not sure why there's a sogo package named activesync nor why I would need sogo in the first place if all it does is to delegate the feature I'm looking for to a 3rd party groupware.

That new requirements I have sound hopeless and that truly scares me but well... I've got to do my job so I'll keep digging for a solution.

Have a great day.

Jérôme Melis [1]

CTO [1]

Samsenthai Rd, Vientiane, Lao PDR [1]

+856 21 285 321 [1]

On 27/12/2023 15:38, Bruno CAPELETO ( wrote: [1]

Dear Jérôme,

I have been using SOGo for years, including ActiveSync.

My experience with the ActiveSync protocol is not good ; it always brake down especially with iPhone devices.
Whether it comes from SOGo, from iPhone, or whatever is never clear.

To me - as a non-specialist - this protocol is bullshit.

Regarding the users of Outlook : we have been spending more than 15 years trying to get this shit work. It simply does not. And the issue is not SOGo, or ActiveSync, or whatever. It even does not work with MS365 : there is always from time to time a big crash.

I know users loves it - when it works. That is the issue. But there is no way to get something stable over time with Outlook.

To get more in technical details, you have to set up ActiveSync according to the guide.
It is not installed when you install SOGo.

Kind regards,

Bruno Capeleto

Le 26/12/2023 à 06:13, Jérôme Melis ( a écrit :


I'm interested in the SOGo groupware solution but I need to understand it better before deciding if our institute will switch to this solution.

So far we are using a postfix/dovecot mail server, roundcube is our webmail.
We also have a calendar solution which is synchronizing via caldav.

The problem with our current solution is it's not covering all our user needs. Some people are using outlook on a mac (or iphone) where there isn't support for plugins, which means the caldav is unsupported too.

I see SOGo can use ActiveSync to solve this.
But I'm not familiar with ActiveSync.
And when checking the official documentation, I only see "Outlook Connector Configuration Guide" while v3 of SOGo was offering a "Native Microsoft Outlook Configuration Guide".

I did made a temporary test with the nightly build and I could successfully connect to our self-hosted sogo server which is using postfix's database for auth.
But from there I'm not sure what to do the next.
When pointing outlook to that host, it gives me the error: "Log onto Exchange ActiveSync mail server (EAS): The server cannot be found." I suppose I'm missing some understanding of the overall architecture for this to work.

I'm confused, is this activesync feature still available?
Is it possible to plug outlook via activesync directly to the sogo server (which will retreive user data from postfix database) or do I have to install a fake ldap/openchange server and duplicate my user database?

Thanks for your help.



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